噢! Chip和Joanna Gaines将婴儿Crew带到他的第一场足球比赛

噢! Chip和Joanna Gaines将婴儿Crew带到他的第一场足球比赛

星期六标志着10周大的Crew Gaines的第一场足球比赛,父母Chip和Joanna Gaines为他的所有球迷记录了这一点.

“Fixer Upper”一对在贝勒大学麦克莱恩体育场度过了一夜的欢乐,看到他们的母校与Abilene Christian比赛.

40岁的乔安娜用金色的婴儿背带抱着她的宝宝靠近她 – 这是对团队颜色之一的完美点头.





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虽然他们的第五个孩子的怀孕的消息是一个惊喜 – 这对夫妻已经有其他四个孩子,德雷克,13,艾拉玫瑰,11,杜克大学,9,和EMMIE凯,8 – 乔安娜称之为礼物,他说,“这是甜即使以最不可预测的方式,我们也会得到我们在那个确切时刻所需要的东西。“



他们经常在他们的HGTV节目中展示他们的孩子,他们在社交媒体上分享了Crew的其他快照。 7月,Chip发布了一张男婴睡觉的照片(他的标志性姿势?),标题是“我的心脏已经满了”。

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My heart is full..

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当乔安娜在Chip,Duke和Crew之间偎依一群人时,另一个甜蜜的时刻被摄像机抓住了。 “走进这个拥抱,我的心几乎爆裂了,”她写道.



Joanna Gaines分享甜蜜传统Chip继续与5号宝宝一同前行


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article talks about the first football game of Crew Gaines, the 10-week-old son of Chip and Joanna Gaines, and how his parents recorded the moment for all his fans. The article also mentions how the couple spent the night at their alma mater, Baylor University, to watch their team play against Abilene Christian. The article includes photos of the family, including one where Joanna is carrying Crew in a golden baby carrier, and another where Chip takes a selfie with his son and the football field in the background. The article also mentions how the couple often shares photos of their children on social media, and how they consider their surprise pregnancy with their fifth child to be a gift.

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