布莱克·莱弗利(Blake Lively)呼吁那些让母亲看起来很容易的Instagram妈妈:’什么?!’

布莱克·莱弗利(Blake Lively)呼吁那些让母亲看起来很容易的Instagram妈妈:’什么?!’




“我曾经喜欢看Instagram上的这位女士,她的名字是’老喜悦’,”Lively在星期三的“深夜”向Seth Meyers解释,同时宣传她的新电影“The Shallows”并承认她的腹部隆起是“不是布朗尼”。

更多:Blake Lively与Ryan Reynolds一起制定大家庭计划:’我们是正式的育种者’

正如Lively所解释的那样,“老喜悦”分享Instagram的照片,这些照片似乎与她年轻的妈妈一样,是一个理想的母亲生活。 “她总是有一个新鲜的蓝莓馅饼,是蒸,烤饼和凝结的奶油,她正在读’老人和海’……她的孩子就像给她按摩按摩。什么?!”

Blake Lively在’The Shallows’和老公Ryan Reynolds


“我的孩子[1岁的詹姆斯]就像玩爆炸装置一样,”Lively补充道。 “她已经知道如何干墙,因为她在墙上打洞。”

Meyers有一个3个月大的自己,他说他完全理解Instagram上存在的画面完美的父母身份。 “这太残忍了!”他笑了.



“我从爱她到想要绑架她,以便她不再对我施加任何折磨,”Lively说。 “就像,’哦,他们都在同一时间睡觉!’就像,老兄,你做了什么?……你是有史以来最伟大的父母。“

布莱克 Lively and Ryan Reynolds
Blake Lively和Ryan Reynolds将于2014年5月在大都会艺术博物馆举行的服装学院晚会上演出.Dimitrios Kambouris / Getty Images

更多:Ryan Reynolds的拇指在可爱的Instagram照片中摔跤’宝贝詹姆斯


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About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the characters used in the text, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the confusion of a mother-to-be, Blake Lively, regarding a woman she follows on Instagram who portrays an idealized version of motherhood. Lively also talks about her own experiences with parenting and pregnancy. The article is interesting and relatable for those who have experienced similar feelings and situations.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the characters used in the text, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the confusion of a mother-to-be, Blake Lively, regarding a woman she follows on Instagram who portrays an idealized version of motherhood. Lively also talks about her own experiences with parenting and pregnancy. The article is interesting and relatable for those who have experienced similar feelings and situations.

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