Al Roker和妻子Deborah Roberts开辟了婚姻,在新书中养育孩子

Al Roker和妻子Deborah Roberts开辟了婚姻,在新书中养育孩子


对于Al Roker和Deborah Roberts来说,这就是他驾驶的方式以及她试图解决孩子们为他们而战的方式.

Al Roker,妻子Deborah Roberts在新书中开辟了关于爱情的妥协



相关:今天在家:Al Roker在他的曼哈顿厨房里欢迎你






“另一方面,Al将在星期天离开之前需要在周一到那里,因为他想要一顿美味的晚餐,”她说。 “对我来说只是一种感觉,他感觉不到我的内疚感。”

人 Roker and Deborah Roberts
Al Roker和Deborah Roberts今天







相关:在向他垂死的父亲做出承诺后,Al Roker减掉了160磅


“我想邀请这位朋友来买杯子蛋糕,让我们来解决它。 Al的方法是,’让他们解决这个问题。没关系。只是不管它,’“她说。 “所以我更多地参与其中,并且在涉及干涉他们的生活时,Al会更加冷淡。”




她说:“他不会前进并抓住机会。” “他像一位前往教堂的小老太太一样开车。”




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    In a marriage of over twenty years, certain habits can drive a spouse crazy, and this is inevitable. For Al Roker and Deborah Roberts, its his driving style and her attempts to resolve their childrens battles. The news couple shares their insights on parenting and communication in their new book, “Been There, Done That: Family Wisdom for Modern Times.” They told Today that the most important thing for them was to connect the stories together. “I love the fact that he tries to step forward in a very warm and fun way,” Deborah said. Al said he loves his wifes empathy. “Shes a very compassionate person, and I think shes instilled a lot of that in our kids, and a lot of that has rubbed off on me,” he said. But the couple does have differences, such as their approach to planning work-related trips. Deborah leaves her trip at the last minute and rushes home, while Al wants to stay for a delicious dinner. Al does feel guilty about the sacrifice his wife made shortly after their daughter was born 17 years ago. “When we had Leila, our marriage became a point of contention because I was already at work in the morning, and ABC came to her and said, We want you to be a news person on Good Morning America,” he said. This was a dream opportunity for Deborah, but there was a newborn baby at home who needed someone to stay with her in the morning. “Deborah decided to step back. Her career suffered some setbacks. You always feel guilty about it,” Al said. Deborah admits she was surprised by the conflict this decision caused within her. “Ill admit, deep down inside, I sometimes feel like I sacrificed more, but I think he also listened to my opinion and tried to feel a little bit of my pain,” she said. The couple also discusses their occasional differences in parenting, especially when it comes to their children and their friends. Deborah wants to jump in and help her daughter solve problems, while Al is more hands-off. But the biggest source of their fights? Driving. “When she moved to this city, she was very afraid of being stuck behind cars,” Al pointed out, “Now, our biggest fight is because Im not aggressive enough.” Deborah admits she thinks Al is a tentative driver. “He doesn

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