

我有一个我在鸡尾酒会上没有真正谈过的工作 – 尤其是那些带着小孩的郊区父母.

因为,当我告诉他们我是已出版的儿童书籍作者时,我开始计算 – 3 … 2 … 1 ……-等待不可避免的问题:



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Sarah Maizes在书上签名.礼貌Sarah Maizes

在我成为作家之前,我是儿童书籍作者的文学代理人。我有幸与一些不可思议的人合作:Dav Pilkey,Cynthia Rylant,Paul Zindel,甚至还有Judy Blume!而且我可以告诉你,对于我代表和出售的每一份手稿,还有500多个我不能 – 几乎总是出于同样的原因.


1.定义目标市场. 如果我再一次听到“这是一个适合所有年龄段的故事”,我会自发地燃烧。选择一个年龄组并为他们写一个相关的故事。是为幼儿(目标年龄2-6岁);中年毕业生(目标年龄8-11岁);或年轻成人(目标12+)?如果你真的为所有年龄段的人写过一个故事,它将会在这个以及更多层面上发挥作用。但是,如果你不能直接参与这些团体中的一个,那么它们就不适用​​于任何一个团体.

2.选择一个相关主题? 它有广泛的吸引力吗?这是从孩子的角度来看 – 或者至少是一个对孩子的世界很重要的问题? (所以你可能想重新考虑一下你的生日不卖的中年杂货商的故事 – 孩子不懂9-5演出,伙计!)。如果一个孩子与你的故事有关并且看到自己的故事,他们会想要一遍又一遍地阅读.

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礼貌Sarah Maizes

3.明确开始,中间和结束. 一个小女孩看到一只蜗牛的故事,用沙子填满一桶然后晚上睡觉不是故事,这是你孩子的一天。虽然我确信她度过了一个美好的一天,但这并不能成为一个引人入胜的故事……好吧,除了她的祖母以外的任何人。事实是,结束一个故事比开始一个故事更难.

4.不要让你的故事过时. 你的故事应该是微妙的,以传达一种信息,而不是“在你脸上”的道德。孩子们可以闻到道德。它们闻起来像布鲁塞尔豆芽.

5.’显示’,不要’告诉’. 写图画书看起来看似简单 – 毕竟,写一个长达约700字的32页故事有多难? (大多数图画书介于500到1000字之间)。事实上,正是这种经济的话语最能挑战作家。编写图画书的工艺包括用尽可能少的方式讲述你的故事 – 并且使用最有效的 – 可能的话(不要让我开始为什么押韵使这更难!)保持简短并保持“重点”。

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礼貌Sarah Maizes

6.让你的故事与众不同. 当然,你儿子的一年级课程很喜欢你的故事。哎呀,你起立鼓掌了! (顺便说一句,一年级学生几乎可以享受任何让他们脱离数学的东西)。但是你的故事与现有的故事有很大的不同,迫使出版商投入数千美元出版,营销和销售它?

好的图画书不是一夜之间写的. 我最喜欢的一个故事是关于一个人告诉我“我前几天在Metro North回家的路上写了一本书。你能看一下吗?“不,不,我不能。请不要让我。为什么?因为从Grand Central到斯卡斯代尔所花费的时间所写的任何东西都不是书。这是初稿。你不能在一小时甚至两个小时内写一本孩子的书。孩子的书需要很长时间才能写完(我的最后一本图书花了我差不多一年的时间。)一本好孩子的书是“一个想法的升华,最成功的作家只用一些强有力的话来说最重要的(和娱乐性的) )事情。备受欢迎的作家/插画家Mem Fox在ha句中说“为儿童写作就像写作”战争与和平“时说得最好。”

Sarah Maizes是几本儿童图画书的作者,其中包括“On My Way to School”(布鲁姆斯伯里),该书刚刚被提名为纽约州阅读协会的夏洛特奖。在Facebook上关注她或访问www.SarahMaizes.com

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “I have a job that I have never really talked about at a cocktail party – especially with suburban parents with children. Because when I tell them that I am a published childrens book author, I start counting – 3…2…1… – waiting for the inevitable question: “You write childrens books? I have a childrens book! Can I send it to you?” What most people dont know is that editors receive more picture book manuscripts than any other type. Why? Because it seems easy to do. Well, despite the common belief that writing a book for people who cant even read is really hard. Sarah Maizes signing a book. Courtesy Sarah Maizes Before I became a writer, I was a literary agent for childrens book authors. I had the privilege of working with some incredible people: Dav Pilkey, Cynthia Rylant, Paul Zindel, and even Judy Blume! And I can tell you that for every manuscript I represented and sold, there were over 500 that I couldnt – almost always for the same reason. If you want your picture book to rise to the top of the slush pile, you need more than an amazing character (preferably not a talking broomstick) and a great story. So, if you promise not to say “So, you write childrens books? Thats really easy, right?” Ill share 7 of my favorite tips for writing childrens book manuscripts and (hopefully) selling them: 1. Define your target market. If I hear “this is a story for all ages” one more time, I will spontaneously combust. Choose an age group and write a relevant story for them. Is it for toddlers (target age 2-6)? Middle grade graduates (target age 8-11)? Or young adults (target 12+)? If youve really written a story for everyone, it will work on this and more levels. But if you cant directly engage with one of these groups, it wont resonate with any of them. 2. Choose a relevant theme. Does it have broad appeal? Is it from a childs perspective – or at least an issue thats important to a childs world? (So you might want to rethink your story about a middle-aged grocer whose birthday doesnt sell

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