

前海军海豹突击队埃里克戴维斯是少数几个将孩子投入游泳池的人之一,目的是:教他们从军队精英中获得的十年技能。戴维斯是“提升男人:从他们的训练中学到的海军海豹突击队的经验教训”,与Dina Santorelli共同撰写,并认为海军海豹突击队有资格提供育儿建议.

埃里克 Davis Ella Davis Lea Davis dad and daughters
前海军海豹突击队狙击手埃里克戴维斯与他的女儿,12岁的艾拉和10岁的利亚.感谢Eric Davis

“海豹突击队以任务计划和执行任务而闻名,如果你看看育儿,那真的是完全相同的事情,”四个孩子的父亲解释道,“这是关于在漫长的游戏中 – 确定我们最终想要获得的地方 – 让一切都朝着那个目标前进。“

密封 pups Navy SEALs Eric Davis drown proofing
不要在家里试试(严肃地说,不要):埃里克戴维斯,埃里克戴维斯的12岁女儿,练习“防溺水”,这是一项训练练习,教导海军海豹突击队员在水下被绑住.感谢Eric Davis


“你孩子的生命掌握在你的手中,”戴维斯指出。 “后果可能不会再出现30或40年,但不要搞错,如果我们不养好孩子,他们就会受苦。”

海军 SEAL sniper Eric Davis
埃里克戴维斯在海军海豹突击队日(1998-2008)期间成为狙击手.感谢Eric Davis




“同样地,有时候,作为父亲,你将不得不走出去,花时间远离家人。你将不得不 离开 – 不要成为缺席的父亲,而要成为孩子需要的知识渊博且相关的父亲。你需要熟悉那里的东西。“

埃里克 Davis man shooting gun
埃里克戴维斯在射击场感谢Eric Davis



“我教导我的孩子做同样的事情,去做他们的错误。这不是为了正确 – 只是为了有效。而且我的孩子知道任何人都可能犯错误,重要的是要仔细检查他们的工作以及其他人的工作,特别是当他们的生活在线时。“





艾拉 Davis Eric Davis dad daughter rock climbing
埃里克戴维斯摇滚与他的女儿,12岁的埃拉攀爬.感谢Eric Davis




“有一个着名的海豹突击队说在BUD / S大院的磨床上方蚀刻:’昨天唯一的轻松日子’。我曾经认为这句话意味着昨天很简单,因为它结束了。现在,我的想法有所不同。现在,我认为生活是一系列被征服的挑战。海豹每天都能获得三叉戟。他们永远不会停止成长和提高。我教我的孩子们接受坚硬的东西。“

结 swimming pool knot tying practice
Eric Davis的儿童培训计划“SEAL Pups”包括打结课程.感谢Eric Davis



但海豹突击队的训练 – 以及生命本身 – 都是漫长的比赛。获胜并不仅仅是为了比下一个人更好,而是比昨天的那个人更好。我告诉我的孩子,失败总是一种选择。“




“大多数人认为海豹突击队员寻找战斗。他们没有。相反,他们希望避开他们。甚至还有一个海豹突击队的实战练习称为Box Drill,这说明为什么留在如果你在一个安全的地方.


  • 识别威胁.
  • 避免和增加距离.
  • 阻止或路障.
  • 寻求帮助.
  • 保卫(作为最后手段).


提升男子:教训海军海豹突击队员从他们的训练中学到并教给他们的儿子 可从亚马逊,iTunes和Barnes and Noble获得.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Former Navy SEAL Eric Davis is one of the few people who throws his children into the pool to teach them the ten-year skills he learned from the elite military. Davis co-wrote “Raising Men: Lessons Navy SEALs Learned from Their Training and Taught to Their Sons” with Dina Santorelli and believes that the Navy SEALs are qualified to provide parenting advice. Davis, a former Navy SEAL sniper, is pictured with his daughters, 12-year-old Ella and 10-year-old Leah.

    “SEALs are known for their mission planning and execution, and if you look at parenting, its really the same thing,” the father of four explained. “Its about playing the long game – determining where we ultimately want to end up – and making everything move towards that goal. Dont try this at home (seriously, dont): Eric Davis, Eric Davis 12-year-old daughter, practices “drowning prevention,” a training exercise that teaches Navy SEALs how to survive being tied underwater.

    Because parenting is such a high-risk activity, Davis believes that the life-and-death methods of the Navy SEALs are particularly valuable. “Your childs life is in your hands,” Davis pointed out. “The consequences may not show up for 30 or 40 years, but make no mistake, if we dont raise our children well, they will suffer.” Davis became a sniper during his time in the Navy SEALs (1998-2008).

    Like a Navy SEAL, ready to be a parent? Check out Davis six secrets to raising confident and courageous children. 1. Be the “point man” for your family. “A point man is a member of a SEAL team who moves ahead, climbs, or crawls in other areas. His job is to plan the route to and from the target and then lead the team there. A point mans job is to break new ground and see whats ahead so he can safely lead other members of his team past any threats and targets.”

    Similarly, as a father, you will sometimes have to go out and spend time away from your family. You will have to leave – dont be an absent father, be a knowledgeable and relevant father that your child needs. You need to be familiar with whats there.” 2. Make your

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Former Navy SEAL Eric Davis is one of the few people who throws his children into the pool to teach them the ten-year skills he learned from the elite military. Davis co-wrote “Raising Men: Lessons Navy SEALs Learned from Their Training and Taught to Their Sons” with Dina Santorelli and believes that the Navy SEALs are qualified to provide parenting advice. Davis, a former Navy SEAL sniper, is pictured with his daughters, 12-year-old Ella and 10-year-old Leah.

    “SEALs are known for their mission planning and execution, and if you look at parenting, its really the same thing,” the father of four explained. “Its about playing the long game – determining where we ultimately want to end up – and making everything move towards that goal. Dont try this at home (seriously, dont): Eric Davis, Eric Davis 12-year-old daughter, practices “drowning prevention,” a training exercise that teaches Navy SEALs how to survive being tied underwater.

    Because parenting is such a high-risk activity, Davis believes that the life-and-death methods of the Navy SEALs are particularly valuable. “Your childs life is in your hands,” Davis pointed out. “The consequences may not show up for 30 or 40 years, but make no mistake, if we dont raise our children well, they will suffer.” Davis became a sniper during his time in the Navy SEALs (1998-2008).

    Like a Navy SEAL, ready to be a parent? Check out Davis six secrets to raising confident and courageous children. 1. Be the “point man” for your family. “A point man is a member of a SEAL team who moves ahead, climbs, or crawls in other areas. His job is to plan the route to and from the target and then lead the team there. A point mans job is to break new ground and see whats ahead so he can safely lead other members of his team past any threats and targets.”

    Similarly, as a father, you will sometimes have to go out and spend time away from your family. You will have to leave – dont be an absent father, be a knowledgeable and relevant father that your child needs. You need to be familiar with whats there.” 2. Make your

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