没门! 12个小孩惊讶地惊讶

没门! 12个小孩惊讶地惊讶



周五与Kathie Lee和Hoda一起收听本周TODAY婴儿的下一部分。如果您的宝宝年龄为0-8周,您可以点击 “添加照片”按钮 在这里提交照片.

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  1. Simplified Chinese: 让宝宝惊讶并不难。当你在几天或几周内测量你在地球上的时间时,几乎所有东西都有能力震撼。一场躲猫猫的游戏,冷酷的擦拭,突然出现的狗或重新发现自己的脚:几乎任何东西都可以引出一张婴儿脸,上面写着:“我感到震惊,震惊地发现赌博正在这里发生!” 从我们今日婴幼儿系列的读者和观众提交的数千张照片中,这里有12个婴儿,他们整天都会看到最令人愉快的震撼表情。请享用。周五与Kathie Lee和Hoda一起收听本周TODAY婴儿的下一部分。如果您的宝宝年龄为0-8周,您可以点击该“添加照片”按钮在这里提交照片。

    English: Its not difficult to surprise a baby. When you measure your time on Earth in days or weeks, almost everything has the ability to shock. A game of peek-a-boo, a cold wipe, a sudden appearance of a dog, or rediscovering their own feet: almost anything can elicit a babys face with the words “I am shocked, shocked to find gambling is going on here!” From the thousands of photos submitted by our TODAY Baby series readers and viewers, here are 12 babies who see the most delightful expressions of surprise all day long. Enjoy. Tune in on Friday with Kathie Lee and Hoda for the next installment of TODAY Baby. If your baby is between 0-8 weeks old, you can click the “Add Photo” button here to submit a photo.

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