来吧吧:Selena Gomez的德克萨斯豪宅正在出售

来吧吧:Selena Gomez的德克萨斯豪宅正在出售

正如赛琳娜·戈麦斯唱的那样,“内心想要它想要的东西” – 也许你们想要这个美妙的德克萨斯州沃思堡的房子,这个流行歌星目前正在销售.

塞莱娜 Gomez house
您可以以270万美元的价格购买Selena Gomez的Fort Worth房子.佐丹奴,Wegman,Walsh and Associates /佳士得国际房地产

“Come&Get It”歌手以270万美元的价格将她的豪华南部庄园列入其中,这是为了娱乐而制作的.


塞莱娜 Gomez Texas house for sale
这是一个很棒的派对屋!佐丹奴,Wegman,Walsh and Associates /佳士得国际房地产


塞莱娜 Gomez Texas house for sale
舒适的起居室佐丹奴,Wegman,Walsh and Associates /佳士得国际房地产



塞莱娜 Gomez Texas house for sale
宽敞的厨房配有高端家电.佐丹奴,Wegman,Walsh and Associates /佳士得国际房地产


塞莱娜 Gomez Texas house for sale
用餐室拥有有趣的色彩.佐丹奴,Wegman,Walsh and Associates /佳士得国际房地产

房子有五间卧室和六个半浴室,包括一个大型主人套房,明亮的自然光线,木质装饰和一个双洗手盆和大浴缸的浴室 – 当然,当你想减速,当然.

塞莱娜 Gomez Texas house for sale
丰富的木质装饰使卧室感觉舒适温暖.佐丹奴,Wegman,Walsh and Associates /佳士得国际房地产
塞莱娜 Gomez Texas house for sale
主浴室感觉经典而优雅.佐丹奴,Wegman,Walsh and Associates /佳士得国际房地产


塞莱娜 Gomez Texas house for sale
我们整天都可以在这里玩!佐丹奴,Wegman,Walsh and Associates /佳士得国际房地产
塞莱娜 Gomez Texas house for sale
这个电影院适合明星.佐丹奴,Wegman,Walsh and Associates /佳士得国际房地产


塞莱娜 Gomez Texas house for sale
谁参加了比赛?佐丹奴,Wegman,Walsh and Associates /佳士得国际房地产
塞莱娜 Gomez Texas house for sale
潜入!佐丹奴,Wegman,Walsh and Associates /佳士得国际房地产


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    Just like Selena Gomez sings, “the heart wants what it wants” – maybe you want this wonderful Fort Worth, Texas house that the pop star is currently selling. You can buy Selena Gomezs Fort Worth house for $2.7 million. Zadun, Wegman, Walsh and Associates/Christies International Real Estate. The “Come & Get It” singer has listed her luxurious southern estate for sale at $2.7 million, which was made for entertainment. As you walk in, there is a bar where you can enjoy drinks. This is a great party house! Zadun, Wegman, Walsh and Associates/Christies International Real Estate. The stone fireplace is the focal point of the living room, with arched ceilings and built-in cabinets. Comfortable living room. Zadun, Wegman, Walsh and Associates/Christies International Real Estate. The kitchen leads to the living room, with enough space for a full dining table, but you can also dine on the L-shaped island. It has rich wood cabinets and stainless steel appliances, as well as some beautiful pendant lights that make the room shine. The spacious kitchen is equipped with high-end appliances. Zadun, Wegman, Walsh and Associates/Christies International Real Estate. If you want a more formal dining experience, you can go to the chic dining room, which has built-in green cabinets and an elegant fireplace. The room feels like a perfect choice for an afternoon tea party with some whimsical colors. The dining room has interesting colors. Zadun, Wegman, Walsh and Associates/Christies International Real Estate. The house has five bedrooms and six and a half bathrooms, including a large master suite with bright natural light, wood decor, and a bathroom with double sinks and a large bathtub – of course, when you want to slow down. The rich wood decor makes the bedroom feel cozy and warm. Zadun, Wegman, Walsh and Associates/Christies International Real Estate. The main bathroom feels classic and elegant. Zadun, Wegman, Walsh and Associates/Christies International Real Estate. The facilities in the house are interesting. The hotel has a game room with a pool table and arcade games, as well as a beautiful movie theater with comfortable leather seats. We can play

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