





心理学家Ramani Durvasula告诉华尔街日报,“这家商店真的成了关系噩梦的地图”。漫步在商店的陈列室,里面摆满了分阶段的厨房,托儿所等等,显然可以带来轻松的话题,比如谁实际做饭,打扫卫生,照顾孩子等等。实际组装家具的复杂任务开辟了一种完全不同的虫子,充满了脾气暴躁,爆发和挫折.

全球有367家商店,商店的低价格往往会吸引年轻夫妇开始提供住房,从而使其成为一个完美的地方,让测试结合起来。漫步于市场可能是一个令人兴奋的冒险,将你的生活拼凑在一起。但是对于一些情侣来说,平面图的迷宫就是路的尽头,正如Tina Fey和詹姆斯马斯登在“30 Rock”中扮演的人物所表现的那样。


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    “Uncertain about who youre dating? Take a trip to IKEA. Clinical psychologists in Sweden are gathering to understand the most common situations that tourists encounter: happy couples walking into IKEA often leave fighting. Experts say that IKEA is the worst nightmare in your relationship. Psychologist Ramani Durvasula told the Wall Street Journal, “This store has really become a map of relationship nightmares.” Walking through the stores display rooms, filled with staged kitchens, nurseries, and more, can bring up easy topics like who actually cooks, cleans, takes care of the children, and so on. The complex task of actually assembling furniture opens up a completely different can of worms, full of temper tantrums, outbursts, and frustrations. With 367 stores worldwide, the stores low prices often attract young couples starting to offer housing, making it a perfect place to test the relationship. Walking through the market may be an exciting adventure, piecing your life together. But for some couples, the maze of floor plans is the end of the road, as portrayed by Tina Fey and James Marsdens characters in “30 Rock.” Our advice: If youve made it through the store and put together the tricky Hemnes dressing table instead of blowing your cushion elsewhere important, youve won a game in heaven.”

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