


Joanna Gaines是HGTV的“Fixer Upper”的明星,她是改造空间的专家,她现在将同样的设计师眼光和专业知识带到她与York Wallcoverings合作创建的新Magnolia Home Wallpaper系列中。.

完整采访:Chip和Joanna Gaines的梦想以及他们如何开始


“我喜欢他们所做的声明,”盖恩斯通过新闻稿说。 “他们可以大胆或微妙,但无论你选择哪种印刷品,它都会反映出你。而这正是我希望你的家园 – 反映你的家庭和你的故事,”盖恩斯在官方新闻公告中指出.

有关: 看看Chip和Joanna Gaines如何将船屋变成dreamboat


价格从每卷39.99美元到79.99美元不等,每包两个。欲了解更多信息,请访问Magnolia Home或York Wallcoverings.

以下是新Magnolia Home Wallpaper系列中我们最喜欢的几款设计:



黑板: True to it's name, you can grab a piece of chalk and keep track of your daily errands and affirmations, too!
黑板:忠实于它的名字,你可以抓住一支粉笔并跟踪你的日常差事和肯定!Alexis Millis / York Wallcoverings / Magnolia Home


该 Daily: Archival newsprint from an actual 1930s paper brings a bit of small town to any home.
“每日新闻”:20世纪30年代的一份报纸中的档案新闻纸为一个家庭带来了一些小城镇. Alexis Mills / York Wallcoverings / Magnolia Home


家园: This traditional toile pattern is a vintage depiction of fields and farm life.
Alexis Mills / York Wallcoverings / Magnolia Home

The Magnolia壁纸,每卷39.99美元,Leland的壁纸

厚朴: This romantic illustration brings a classic floral feel to a space.
Magnolia:这个浪漫的插图为空间带来经典的花香感.Alexis Millis / York Wallcoverings / Magnolia Home


搭叠: Now it's easier than ever to bring Joanna's favorite woodgrain material straight to your own walls (no nails necessary).
Shiplap:现在比以往任何时候都更容易将Joanna最喜欢的木纹材料直接带到自己的墙上(无需钉子).Alexis Mills / York Wallcoverings / Magnolia Home


该 Market: Now you can bring the chic architectural drawings of Magnolia Market right into your home.
市场:现在您可以将Magnolia Market的别致建筑图纸带入您的家中.Alexis Millis / York Wallcoverings / Magnolia Home


点: Polka dots in soft, muted colors bring a charming spot treatment to any space.
圆点:柔和,柔和色彩的圆点为任何空间带来迷人的斑点处理. Alexis Mills / York Wallcoverings / Magnolia Home


黑色 check: This casual take on gingham is dreamy as it is decorative.
黑色格纹:这款随意搭配方格布是梦幻般的装饰.Alexis Millis / York Wallcoverings / Magnolia Home

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference for wallpaper designs. However, I can say that the Magnolia Home Wallpaper series created by Joanna Gaines in collaboration with York Wallcoverings offers a variety of beautiful and stylish options for those who want to add a touch of elegance to their homes. From subtle polka dots to vintage newspaper prints, the collection has something for everyone. The prices range from $39.99 to $79.99 per roll, and each package contains two rolls. Overall, the Magnolia Home Wallpaper series is a great choice for those who want to reflect their personal style and story in their home decor.

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