


小狗 urinate on rug

多年来,用于清理尿液的首选产品是小苏打和/或白色蒸馏醋 – 这些仍然是紧急情况下的创可贴补救措施。然而,今天市场上有一些新的破坏阴谋的超级明星。这些基于酶的尿液去除产品不仅稀释尿液。他们也可以安全地在宠物和人们身边使用.





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Urine Off的制造商Bio-Pro Research的代表Donna Bowman解释说,虽然这些清洁剂可用于硬表面和软表面,但说明因表面而异,尿液是干燥的还是新鲜的。新鲜尿液的一般说明包括在施用产品之前尽可能多地去除尿液,使产品静置在尿液上直至干燥,并擦去残留物。最重要的是,如果您希望它起作用,请遵循制造商的说明.


Urine Off by Bio-Pro Research,9.95美元,Bio-Pro Research和Walgreen的药店

  • 它是一种生物酶产品,含有易于涂抹的液体.
  • “Find It,Treat It”套装,在线售价24.99美元,包括一个LED紫外线灯,可以找到尿液,新鲜或旧的.

出来了! Out Pet Care的尿液去除剂,4.60美元,沃尔玛

  • 随时可以使用并集中注意力

Reidell Chemicals,Ltd的尿液擦除,18.95美元,亚马逊和兽医

  • 两步法,包括干酶粉,必须与水和过氧化氢/水溶液混合,以去除污渍.


  • 也是精矿

相关:用牙膏从墙上取下蜡笔? 7个你需要知道的清洁工具


找出尿液事故,特别是干燥事故,是一项挑战。这对于地毯,家具和厕所区域尤其有用,因为难以检测到尿液的飞溅和滴落。 Urine Off’s Find It,Treat It清洁套装配有LED紫外线手电筒,但紫外线手电筒也可以在网上或家庭用品和折扣店单独购买。.

  • Doggone Pet Products的UV手电筒宠物尿液检测仪,12.97美元,亚马逊
  • 黑光UV手电筒100 LED由Jumbl,29.99美元,亚马逊

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or experience to share on this topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:

    “Urine is not a small problem, especially if you have pets, young boys with poor aim, or family members with incontinence. Not only is there the issue of cleaning up and dealing with residual odors after accidents, but there is also the challenge of locating dried urine spots. For years, the preferred products for cleaning urine have been baking soda and/or white distilled vinegar – these are still emergency remedies. However, there are now some new enzymatic urine removal products on the market that are superstars at destroying the problem. These enzyme-based urine removal products not only dilute the urine, but they can also be safely used around pets and people.

    Enzymatic urine removers use enzymes to break down uric acid crystals and destroy the bacteria around them. To make these products effective, they must saturate the affected area. In the case of old dried urine, the product needs to be kept moist and in contact with the urine until it dissolves completely. Sometimes this requires repeated applications, but rest assured, the enzymes will do their job.

    Urine Off by Bio-Pro Research, priced at $9.95, is a biological enzyme product that comes in a liquid form that is easy to apply. The “Find It, Treat It” kit, priced at $24.99 online, includes an LED ultraviolet light that can find urine, fresh or old. Out Pet Cares urine remover, priced at $4.60, is available at Walmart and can be used anytime and focused attention. Reidell Chemicals, Ltd.s urine eraser, priced at $18.95, is available on Amazon and at veterinary clinics. It is a two-step process that includes dry enzyme powder that must be mixed with water and a hydrogen peroxide/water solution to remove stains. Odor-Solutions OdorZyme, priced at $19.95, is also a gem.

    Finding urine accidents, especially dry ones, is a challenge. This is particularly useful for carpets, furniture, and toilet areas, as urine splashes and drips are difficult to detect. Urine Offs Find It, Treat It cleaning kit comes with an LED ultraviolet flashlight, but ultraviolet flashlights can also be purchased separately online or at home goods and discount stores. Doggone Pet Products

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