'翻转或翻牌'明星克里斯蒂娜艾尔穆萨获得新系列 - 没有她的前任,塔雷克 2023

‘翻转或翻牌’明星克里斯蒂娜艾尔穆萨获得新系列 – 没有她的前任,塔雷克


“我很高兴地宣布我的新系列HGTV名为克里斯蒂娜海岸,将于2023年初首次亮相!”她在Instagram上写了一张她自己努力工作的照片。 “我将帮助房主将他们过时的房产重新设计成美丽的空间!”

到目前为止,“海岸克里斯蒂娜”已经获得了八集的绿灯,并将看到El Moussa在南加州建立她的设计业务.


克里斯蒂娜 El Moussa and Tarek El Moussa are no longer a couple, but their divorce has been front and center on their HGTV show,
Christina El Moussa和Tarek El Moussa不再是一对夫妇,但他们的离婚一直是他们的HGTV节目“Flip or Flop”的前沿和中心。Gilles Mingasson / HGTV

当观众不由自主地注意到自从El Moussas离婚后第一部新剧集回归经典系列时,他们的分离以及他们如何处理它会获得足够的屏幕时间 – 就像“克里斯蒂娜在海岸上”一样。 “

发布会上,新系列将“与丈夫Tarek分手后,将焦点放在她的个人旅程上”。 “随着克里斯蒂娜寻找完美的新家重新开始,同时平衡父母身份,事业和新关系,相机将跟随她。”


如果粉丝想知道为什么克里斯蒂娜有她自己的节目,而不是Tarek – 再也不知道了。根据该网络的发布,“Tarek El Moussa也在与HGTV合作开发潜在的新系列。”

‘翻转或翻牌’明星Tarek El Moussa讲述了他与妻子的分歧



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Although Christina El Moussa is still flipping and failing with her ex-husband Tarek on the long-running HGTV hit, the real estate investor has just revealed that shes also gearing up to launch her own solo series. “Im so excited to announce my new series on HGTV called Christina on the Coast, which will debut in early 2019!” she wrote on Instagram alongside a photo of herself hard at work. “I will be helping homeowners redesign their outdated properties into beautiful spaces!” So far, “Christina on the Coast” has received an eight-episode green light and will see El Moussa building her design business in Southern California. In addition to transforming old homes into “high-end showplaces,” the networks press release also explains that the new show will have some similarities to “Flip or Flop.” Christina El Moussa and Tarek El Moussa may no longer be a couple, but their divorce has remained at the forefront and center of their HGTV show “Flip or Flop.” At the press event, the new series will “focus on her personal journey after her split with husband Tarek, as she searches for the perfect new home to start afresh, while balancing parenthood, career, and new relationships, cameras will follow her.” While “Christina on the Coast” has yet to officially debut, the series is expected to premiere in the first few months of next year. If fans are wondering why Christina has her own show and not Tarek – wonder no more. According to the networks release, “Tarek El Moussa is also in development with HGTV on a potential new series.”

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