

牙膏可以很好地保持珍珠白的清洁和光泽,但是当它穿上我们的黑色小礼服时,这是另一个故事。 (或者,对于那些在刷牙时徘徊的人,在软垫沙发或卧室地毯上!)当然,你可以去除表面的东西,但那留下的污渍怎么样?我们请两位清洁专家传递他们最喜欢的解除这些污点的提示.




根据清洁专家Donna Smallin Kuper的说法,“许多’绿色’或环保型牙膏含有二氧化钛粉末,如果没有洗涤剂,就不可能去除。这就是为什么一些牙膏在洗衣机里出来的原因,但是当你用湿布擦拭它时就不会这样了。“从这种智慧之珠开始,Kuper分享了以下去除牙膏的技巧.

  1. 用勺子或钝刀刮去多余的牙膏.
  2. 用湿布擦拭污渍.
  3. 将几滴洗衣粉或去污剂混合在一杯水中。 (不要将洗衣粉或去污剂直接放在污渍上,因为需要去除大量的水。另外,如果是染色的洗涤剂,可能会在织物上留下染料污渍。)
  4. 将布浸入肥皂水中,轻轻擦拭/擦洗牙膏区域.
  5. 一旦洗涤剂渗透牙膏污渍,它应该释放并提起.
  6. 用水冲洗斑点进行清洗.
  7. 让斑点风干.
  8. 如果污渍很顽固,可以用干净的软毛牙刷和一些肥皂水轻轻擦拭牙膏。用湿布擦拭,然后冲洗并让区域风干.
  9. 根据需要重复.

有关: 3种方式的牙垢可以帮助你清洁你的房子


“牙膏是水溶性的,因此,它通常很容易从地毯和室内装饰中移除,”全球服务修复公司Rainbow International的技术服务副总裁杰克怀特说。 “这意味着,水基清洁解决方案应该可行。”

  1. 将干净的白色布浸入盛有少量洗涤剂的水杯中.
  2. 用轻微的提升动作轻拍污渍.
  3. 根据需要重复.
  4. 用湿布擦拭该区域,以清洗污垢,吸引洗涤剂残留物.
  5. 吸干一下.

“在罕见的情况下,彩色牙膏可能会污染地毯或室内装潢,最安全的方法是用3%的过氧化氢涂抹污渍,”怀特补充道。 (注意:首先在不显眼的地方进行测试,以确保其安全)。让它工作一分钟,然后用清水擦拭该区域进行冲洗。根据需要涂抹干燥并重复.

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    Toothpaste can keep our teeth clean and shiny, but when it gets on our little black dress, thats another story. Of course, you can remove the surface stuff, but what about the stains left behind? We asked two cleaning experts to share their favorite tips for removing these stains. According to cleaning expert Donna Smallin Kuper, “many green or eco-friendly toothpastes contain titanium dioxide powder, which cannot be removed without detergent. Thats why some toothpaste comes out of the washing machine, but not when you wipe it with a damp cloth.” Starting with this pearl of wisdom, Kuper shared the following tips for removing toothpaste stains: scrape off excess toothpaste with a spoon or blunt knife, wipe the stain with a damp cloth, mix a few drops of laundry detergent or stain remover in a cup of water (do not put the detergent or stain remover directly on the stain, as it requires a lot of water to remove. Also, if it is a colored detergent, it may leave dye stains on the fabric), soak the cloth in soapy water and gently rub/wipe the toothpaste area, once the detergent penetrates the toothpaste stain, it should release and lift, rinse the spot with water for cleaning, let the spot air dry. If the stain is stubborn, use a clean soft-bristled toothbrush and some soapy water to gently scrub the toothpaste. Wipe with a damp cloth, then rinse and let the area air dry. Repeat as needed.

    Regarding: 3 ways tartar can help you clean your house, how to remove toothpaste from carpets and interior decoration. “Toothpaste is water-soluble, so it is usually easy to remove from carpets and interior decoration,” said Jack White, Vice President of Technical Services for Rainbow International, a global service repair company. “This means that water-based cleaning solutions should be feasible.” Soak a clean white cloth in a cup of water with a small amount of detergent. Tap the stain lightly with a slight lifting motion. Repeat as needed. Wipe the area with a damp cloth to clean the dirt and attract detergent residue. Blot dry. “In rare cases, colored toothpaste may contaminate carpets or interior decoration, and the safest way is to apply 3% hydrogen peroxide to the stain

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