

正如一个坏苹果破坏整个一堆,一只红袜子可以留下一整堆白色看起来很漂亮的粉红色。当这场灾难袭来时,不要绝望。只要按照清洁教练Leslie Reichert的建议,你的白色衣服就会立刻恢复光明.




  1. 首先,在洗涤之前根据颜色对衣服进行分类。保持一个专用的网状拉链洗衣袋,像这样,手上有袜子和其他小衣物.
  2. 彻底检查口袋,裤腿和袖子,并去除可能隐藏在那里的彩色物品,如连指手套,围巾和袜子.
  3. 在添加另一个负载之前,确保已从洗衣机和干衣机中取出所有衣服。当紧贴在这些器具的内壁上时,红袜子几乎看不见.

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如果这不起作用,Reichert建议使用氯漂白剂。从1/8杯氯漂白剂开始到充满水的水槽。 “要小心,不要溅到眼睛或皮肤上,”她补充道。让衣服浸泡15-30分钟,然后经过洗涤循环。根据需要重复。在完全去除污渍之前,请勿对产品进行机器干燥.


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注意:有些颜色去除剂仅适用于白色。对于不褪色的产品,请寻找适用于白色和不褪色物品的产品,如Carbona Color Run Remover.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Just as a bad apple can ruin a whole bunch, a red sock can leave a whole pile of white looking pretty pink. When disaster strikes, dont despair. Just follow the advice of cleaning coach Leslie Reichert and your white clothes will immediately regain their brightness. First, avoid the color loss disaster with these three rules. First, classify clothes by color before washing. Keep a dedicated mesh zipper laundry bag like this one for socks and other small items. Thoroughly check pockets, pant legs, and sleeves and remove any colorful items that may be hiding there, such as mittens, scarves, and socks. Before adding another load, make sure all clothes have been removed from the washing machine and dryer. When pressed against the inner walls of these appliances, red socks are almost invisible. If only one or two colored spots transfer to a garment, Reichert suggests trying oxygen bleach first. Dissolve the oxygen bleach in hot water, then add enough cold water to cool the mixture. Soak the garment in the solution for 15-30 minutes, then rinse. If the stain still exists, try moistening the stain with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly. If this doesnt work, Reichert suggests using chlorine bleach. Start with 1/8 cup of chlorine bleach to a sink full of water. “Be careful not to splash it on your eyes or skin,” she adds. Soak the garment for 15-30 minutes, then run through a wash cycle. Repeat as needed. Do not machine dry the product until the stain is completely removed. Fixed on Pinterest. What to do if the entire garment fades? Remove the item causing the problem. Rewash affected clothing with oxygen bleach (according to package instructions), regular detergent, and the hottest water recommended on the care label. If the stain still exists and the care label allows for the use of chlorine bleach, wash the garment again, this time using only 1/8 cup of chlorine bleach, regular detergent, and cold water. Repeat as needed. Once the discoloration is removed, run the entire load through another rinse cycle to remove any residual chlorine. In addition to Reicherts advice, the American Cleaning Association also recommends using packaged color removers to fix white fabrics that have faded from other fabrics

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