你应该多久清洁一次地毯 – 以及正确的方法

你应该多久清洁一次地毯 – 以及正确的方法

肮脏的地毯不仅看起来很糟糕,而且还有污染物和污垢。这些污垢颗粒就像砂纸一样,每次在它们上行走时都会分解地毯纤维。这就是定期清洁地毯的重要原因。 TODAY Home邀请卡特在加利福尼亚州埃尔多拉多山的地毯修复主人迪恩卡特与我们分享他的一些地毯清洁技术.

吸尘 the carpet



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现在这里有一些令人惊讶的建议。如果您想延长地毯的使用寿命,每年至少要对其进行一次专业清洁非常重要。根据卡特的说法,大多数地毯制造商都推荐使用蒸汽清洁方法。它深入纤维中,可以清除我们鞋子上的污垢和污染物。此外,它可以去除大部分水分,因此地毯会快速干燥。 (在清洁之前,请务必咨询地毯制造商。)




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    Dirty carpets not only look bad, but they also harbor pollutants and dirt. These dirt particles act like sandpaper and break down the carpet fibers every time we walk on them. Thats why regular carpet cleaning is essential. TODAY Home invited carpet restoration expert Dean Carter from El Dorado Hills, California to share some of his carpet cleaning techniques. Do you know the best way to vacuum? According to Carter, the best way to keep carpets clean is to vacuum them in back-and-forth overlapping strokes. How slow? It takes about 15-20 minutes to properly vacuum a 300 square foot room. This removes 83% of dry soil from the carpet. In a typical household, vacuuming should be done at least twice a week. Whats the best vacuum? HGTV stars share their favorites.

    Now heres a surprising suggestion. If you want to extend the life of your carpet, its important to have it professionally cleaned at least once a year. According to Carter, most carpet manufacturers recommend steam cleaning. It penetrates deep into the fibers and removes dirt and pollutants from our shoes. Additionally, it removes most of the moisture, so the carpet dries quickly. (Be sure to consult the carpet manufacturer before cleaning.)

    When your carpet needs an urgent cleaning, DIY steam cleaners work for larger messes, but Carter warns not to use the cleaning solution that comes with the steam cleaner. It leaves soap residue that attracts dirt. Instead, use water, and if you need to add something, a drop of blue Dawn dish soap or a bit of white vinegar. Carter also advises not to use too much water when using a DIY steam cleaner. Water left in the carpet can cause mold and odors.

    If one of those “emergency” cleanings is due to muddy footprints, Carter offers a time-saving tip. Let the mud dry, scrape off the dry mud from the carpet, then vacuum. Clean any remaining stains with a steam cleaner or water/Dawn solution and a cloth. Blot dry.

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