Hilary Duff的洛杉矶住宅是女性与现代的完美结合

Hilary Duff的洛杉矶住宅是女性与现代的完美结合

如果您曾经花费数小时在Pinterest为您的家创造完美的设计,那么您与Hilary Duff有很多共同之处。这位“年轻”的女演员最近向Better Homes&Gardens透露,她住在灵感网站上并用它来梦想她充满活力的洛杉矶家园.


希拉里 Duff home
Better Homes&Gardens / Justin Coit

当您第一次进入酒店时,您会看到一扇涂满柔软尘土玫瑰的门。 “我从来没有把自己视为女孩,我也没有粉红色,即使我喜欢它,”达夫告诉杂志这个颜色.

Studio Life.Style的室内设计师Shannon Wollack和Brittany Zwickl与Duff合作,确保她挑选出的作品 – 例如挂在客厅里的彩色艺术品Damien Hirst的“蝴蝶万花筒” – 与拨回的家具搭配使用在空间中创造平衡.

希拉里 Duff home
Better Homes&Gardens / Justin Coit




希拉里 Duff home
Better Homes&Gardens / Justin Coit

其中一间卧室笼罩在欢快的花卉壁纸中,让人想起Duff的童年。 “我长大了壁纸,”她说,“我的妈妈很狂热,所以这让我感到怀旧。”

希拉里 Duff home
Better Homes&Gardens / Justin Coit

Duff也为她的儿子Luca制作了她自己的设计回忆。“我看到了我正在收集的东西 – 地毯,艺术和Luca制作的任何东西 – 作为新的收藏品,”她说。 “因此,这所房子充满了回忆,也充满了机会 – 新的,旧的,未来的。”

希拉里 Duff home
Better Homes&Gardens / Justin Coit

但由于她谨慎的购买习惯,杂乱并不是问题。 “每当我即将购买东西时 – 无论是椅子还是一对耳环 – 我都会问自己,’当我60岁或70岁时,我还会喜欢吗?’”她说.


希拉里·达芙(Hilary Duff)对于相对较小的“年轻”角色,她的锻炼中没有什么


在Better Homes&Gardens看到更多关于达夫欢快住所的图片.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, the article discusses how Hilary Duff used Pinterest to create the perfect design for her home, resulting in a beautiful and modern decor scheme filled with vibrant colors and stunning statement pieces. Duff worked with interior designers to ensure that the pieces she selected were balanced with the existing furniture in the space. The home is filled with memories and opportunities, both old and new, thanks to Duffs careful purchasing habits. Overall, the article provides good advice for anyone looking to decorate their home.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, the article discusses how Hilary Duff used Pinterest to create the perfect design for her home, resulting in a beautiful and modern decor scheme filled with vibrant colors and stunning statement pieces. Duff worked with interior designers to ensure that the pieces she selected were balanced with the existing furniture in the space. The home is filled with memories and opportunities, both old and new, thanks to Duffs careful purchasing habits. Overall, the article provides good advice for anyone looking to decorate their home.

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