Debbie Reynolds的牧场正在拍卖 – 包括内部的电影制片厂

Debbie Reynolds的牧场正在拍卖 – 包括内部的电影制片厂


黛比 Reynolds
C Flanigan / Getty Images


黛比 Reynolds house
Nancy Seltzer&Associates,Inc.


黛比 Reynolds house
Nancy Seltzer&Associates,Inc.


黛比 Reynolds house
Nancy Seltzer&Associates,Inc.


黛比 Reynolds house
Nancy Seltzer&Associates,Inc.

根据与拍卖合作的公共关系机构Nancy Seltzer&Associates,Inc。预计该牧场物业包括其上的所有建筑物,售价为4,000,000美元至6,000,000美元。.



雷诺兹于2016年12月逝世,享年84岁 – 在她的女儿凯莉·费舍尔去世后的第二天去世 – 因其戏剧技巧而深受业内人士的喜爱。她于1979年建立了一个舞蹈工作室,也将成为历史简介中的房地产拍卖的一部分.

这个18,000平方英尺的空间举办了一些最知名的娱乐名人,包括Lucille Ball,Michael Jackson,Madonna,Bette Midler,Cher和Mariah Carey。舞蹈工作室的售价估计为6,000,000美元 – 8,000,000美元.

拍卖会是为期三天的活动的一部分,该活动名为Carrie Fisher和Debbie Reynolds的个人物业拍卖。部分收益将捐赠给Thalians和The Jed Foundation,这是她的孙女Billie Lourd选择的慈善机构.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the upcoming auction of Debbie Reynolds estate, which includes a 44-acre ranch in Creston, California, with a six-bedroom main house, a family theater, a guest house, a caretakers cottage, an art studio, a barn, and a 10,000-square-foot professional film and television studio. The estate also includes a dance studio that Reynolds established in 1979, which has hosted many famous entertainers. The auction is part of a three-day event called the Personal Property Auction of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, with some of the proceeds going to charity.

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