Chip Gaines揭示了尽管存在风险,他还是将孩子带到建筑工地的原因

Chip Gaines揭示了尽管存在风险,他还是将孩子带到建筑工地的原因

前“Fixer Upper”明星和五个Chip Gaines的父亲意识到让他的孩子在建筑工地与他一起工作所带来的潜在危险 – 但他坚信其好处大于风险.

这位43岁的年轻人在秋季刊“The Magnolia Journal”中开辟了他个人的养育方式,这本杂志是他与妻子和联合主演Joanna一起经营的,40岁.

芯片 Gaines
“他们可能错过的东西对风险来说太重要了,”Chip Gaines在“The Magnolia Journal”中写道。Mireya Acierto / FilmMagic


“我觉得很多人不应该带孩子到建筑工地接受教育 – 可能会受伤,皮肤膝盖,呜咽,便盆休息(没有工作厕所),或者他们乞求我不可避免的流浪小狗或小猫让他们带回家。肯定还有一百万。“



Chip还分享了他的每个孩子都有不同的学习,探索和成长方法; 13岁的他的长子德雷克更谨慎,而8岁的二年级最小的艾米凯是一个风险承担者.

Joanna Gaines分享甜蜜传统Chip继续与5号宝宝一同前行


“我意识到,我应该和他们一起学习他们擅长什么,胆怯,能干,然后将我的养育方式塑造成他们的现实 – 不一定是他们的,”他写道。.

除了Drake和Emmie Kay之外,Gaineses也是Ella Rose的父母,11岁,Duke,9岁,他们的最新成员,Crew,2个月.

虽然Chip在他的“Magnolia Journal”文章中透露,当他带着孩子上班时,他有时会从路人那里得到奇怪的外表,但这对他来说无关紧要。他说,更大的风险是把孩子留在家里,而机会从他们身边经过.

“坦率地说,我觉得这更危险,”他写道。 “这太危险了。他们可能错过的东西对风险来说太重要了。”



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the article.

    Former “Fixer Upper” star and father of five, Chip Gaines, is aware of the potential dangers of having his children work with him on construction sites, but he believes that the benefits outweigh the risks. In an article in the fall issue of “The Magnolia Journal,” which he runs with his wife and co-star Joanna, Chip Gaines wrote, “They may miss out on things that are too important for the risk.” He explained that he takes his children to work with him because it is the easiest way to expose them to new things. Although he acknowledges that it may not be suitable for everyone, he believes that it is a valuable learning experience for his children. He also shared that each of his children has a different learning and growth style, and he adapts his parenting style accordingly. Despite receiving strange looks from strangers, Chip Gaines believes that leaving his children at home is a greater risk than taking them to work with him.

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