

想赚一些额外的现金?如果您从未考虑过在Airbnb或VRBO等网站上出租房屋,那么您应该先阅读此内容。人们列出了数以百万计的房产,就像你一样,它并不像你想象的那么可怕 – 至少根据我们与之交谈的一些房主来说.

无论你是去旅行还想在外出时赚取额外的钱(那些pina coladas都不为自己买单!)或者你想证明这个昂贵的度假屋是合理的,把你的房子出租给陌生人可以是聪明的财务策略.

将 you let strangers rent out your home?
你会让陌生人出租你的房子吗??猴子商业图像/ Shutterstock




“我旅行太多,以至于我几乎不在家,试图支付部分费用是有道理的,”他告诉今日家。但它支付的费用不仅仅是一些费用 – 它从全日制房屋转变为现金流动的度假房产。他从租金(目前预订最多三个月)的钱包括抵押贷款和所有公用事业.

“最好不要让山上的房子空着,”他说。 “蒙大拿州在夏天是一个非常适合旅行的地方,我不知道它会像它那样预订。”


“当人们住在私人住宅环境中时,我发现他们比酒店更尊重他们,”印度哈奇表示,他在新墨西哥州有两处房产在Airbnb上市。她说她在家里有很多个人风格,包括漂亮的艺术品和菜肴,而且在极少数情况下有人弄坏了东西,他们给她留下了关于更换它的说明。但她每次都会收取损坏押金 – 以防万一.

“经过你的事情,把你担心的贵重物品收起来,”她说,并补充说,她设置了主人的衣柜,里面有锁,可以收起一些珍贵的物品。 “总的来说,只需让这个地方舒适,为您的客人提供实用功能。”而且很有可能,他们会尊重它,就像它们自己的地方一样.

Airbnb的Brian Chesky:我一直沉迷于’更好的设计社区的方式’





史密斯补充说:“如果你不能在那里,那么你可以相信周围的人是关键。”床上用品和毛巾应该是新鲜的,整个家庭应该是spick and span.



“我总是会在柜台上放一瓶酒,带几副眼镜和一个开瓶器,”他说。 “人们希望有一些特别的东西。当他们到达这里时,他们会说,’看看这个 – 多好啊!’“

他补充说,把你的房子出租给租房的很大一部分是与人交往,所以尽可能保持乐观和乐于助人是非常重要的。他甚至回忆起即将到来的租房者告诉他如何设想坐在充气扶手椅上华丽财产之外的时间,所以他出去买了她的两个。 “她欣喜若狂,”他说.






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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:

    “Want to earn some extra cash? If you have never considered renting out your home on websites like Airbnb or VRBO, then you should read this first. People list millions of properties, just like yours, and its not as scary as you might think – at least according to some of the homeowners weve talked to. Whether youre traveling and want to earn extra money while youre away (those pina coladas arent going to pay for themselves!) or you want to justify that expensive vacation home, renting out your home to strangers can be a smart financial strategy. Would you let strangers rent your home? Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock Below, three homeowners reveal why they enjoy sharing their homes with others and some tips theyve learned in the process:

    1. Income is more than you think. If you have a house that you dont work full-time, your rent may be profitable enough to pay off your mortgage and other expenses. Ben Smith has a four-bedroom, three-and-a-half-bathroom house in the mountains of Montana, which he decided to put on Airbnb five months ago. “I travel too much to be at home, so trying to pay part of the cost makes sense,” he told Today Home. But the cost it pays is not just some cost – it turns from a full-time home into a cash-flowing vacation property. He includes mortgage and all utilities from rent (currently booked up to three months). “Its best not to leave the mountain house empty,” he said. “Montana is a great place to travel in the summer, and I dont know if it will be booked like that.”

    2. People usually respect your place (but you may still need to take some precautions). “When people live in a private residential environment, I find they are more respectful than hotels,” said India Hachi, who has two properties in New Mexico listed on Airbnb. She said she had a lot of personal style in her home, including beautiful art and dishes, and in very few cases, someone broke something and left her instructions on how to replace it. But she charges a damage deposit every time – just in case. “After your thing, put away your valuable items that you worry about,” she said, adding that she set up a hosts closet with a lock to store some precious items

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:

    “Want to earn some extra cash? If you have never considered renting out your home on websites like Airbnb or VRBO, then you should read this first. People list millions of properties, just like yours, and its not as scary as you might think – at least according to some of the homeowners weve talked to. Whether youre traveling and want to earn extra money while youre away (those pina coladas arent going to pay for themselves!) or you want to justify that expensive vacation home, renting out your home to strangers can be a smart financial strategy. Would you let strangers rent your home? Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock Below, three homeowners reveal why they enjoy sharing their homes with others and some tips theyve learned in the process:

    1. Income is more than you think. If you have a house that you dont work full-time, your rent may be profitable enough to pay off your mortgage and other expenses. Ben Smith has a four-bedroom, three-and-a-half-bathroom house in the mountains of Montana, which he decided to put on Airbnb five months ago. “I travel too much to be at home, so trying to pay part of the cost makes sense,” he told Today Home. But the cost it pays is not just some cost – it turns from a full-time home into a cash-flowing vacation property. He includes mortgage and all utilities from rent (currently booked up to three months). “Its best not to leave the mountain house empty,” he said. “Montana is a great place to travel in the summer, and I dont know if it will be booked like that.”

    2. People usually respect your place (but you may still need to take some precautions). “When people live in a private residential environment, I find they are more respectful than hotels,” said India Hachi, who has two properties in New Mexico listed on Airbnb. She said she had a lot of personal style in her home, including beautiful art and dishes, and in very few cases, someone broke something and left her instructions on how to replace it. But she charges a damage deposit every time – just in case. “After your thing, put away your valuable items that you worry about,” she said, adding that she set up a hosts closet with a lock to store some precious items

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