

您是否曾经发现自己站在家居装修商店的油漆部分,这些商店因各种选择而特别是名字而感到困惑?每个人都是由专家精心设计的,以激发与特定色调相关的情感或想法。大多数名字都描绘了一个华丽的场景或物体,让你想起某种颜色,比如Behr的“Crashing Waves”或Benjamin Moore的“Fondant”。但其他人只是很奇怪.

今天在油漆过道上漫步,发现了市场上一些最奇怪的 – 但令人惊讶的吸引力 – 油漆颜色.


本杰明 color chip Shadow

刚刚宣布为本杰明摩尔2023年的颜色,这种丰富,深紫水晶的颜色是以光线和光线之间的物体投射 – 虽然,有时是怪异的 – 投射。即使我们在现实生活中看到一个阴沉的阴影逼近我们的心脏,这种色调可以给你的内饰带来温暖,舒适的层次.

2. Farrow&Ball的“死三文鱼”

死 Salmon by Farrow & Ball


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龙卷风 Season paint



割完 grass paint




本杰明 color chip Newborn baby




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:

    Have you ever found yourself standing in the paint section of a home decor store, feeling confused by the various choices and especially the names? Each one is carefully designed by experts to evoke emotions or ideas associated with specific shades. Most names depict a glamorous scene or object that reminds you of a certain color, such as Behrs “Crashing Waves” or Benjamin Moores “Fondant.” But others are just plain weird. Today, while strolling down the paint aisle, I discovered some of the strangest – yet surprisingly attractive – paint colors on the market.

    1. Benjamin Moores “Shadow” – This rich, deep purple crystal color is Benjamin Moores color for 2017, inspired by the interplay of light and objects between light – although sometimes eerie – projections. Even if we see a gloomy shadow approaching our hearts in real life, this tone can bring warmth and comfortable layers to your interior.

    2. Farrow & Balls “Dead Salmon” – According to a report by Slate, this dark peachy-pink hue is not the most attractive name for a paint color, thanks to the unfortunate combination of the paint finish “dead flat” and salmon color. Although we dont want to see this name on the menu, some people may see past the unpleasant title and see a neutral color on the wall.

    3. Behrs “Tornado Season” – If you live on Tornado Alley, you may not be so keen on the name of this color, but this stormy blue is actually a gorgeous color for the home. Perhaps the rich, calm tone can even help you stay relaxed when the weather is out of control.

    4. Behrs “Fresh Cut Grass” – Maybe its just us, but we sneeze when we read the name of this paint color. On the other hand, we can smell freshly cut grass and feel that spring is just around the corner (wishful thinking, perhaps?). The best part is that this beautiful deep green should not trigger any seasonal allergies.

    5. Benjamin Moores “First Light” – This delicate pink and its name are said to evoke plush, super-soft baby blankets, but when we read it, its hard not to imagine excessive crying, sleep deprivation, and diaper changes. Of course, despite all this, babies are

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