انتحار تشارلز روكيت “SNL”

انتحار تشارلز روكيت “SNL”

وقد قتل الممثل الكوميدي السابق “ليلة السبت لايف” تشارلز روكيت نفسه.

يقول الفاحص الطبي في ولاية كونيتيكت إن روكيت قام بقطع حنجرته. تم العثور على جثته في حقل بالقرب من منزله في كانتربري ، كونيتيكت. كان 56.

كان صاروخ على “SNL” في موسم 1980-1981. بعد رسم خداعي “من أطلق النار J.R.” حلقة من “دالاس” ، تمتم روكت الكلمة الحاسمة في نهاية المطاف.

تم فصله بعد ذلك بوقت قصير مع أعضاء آخرين من الكتّاب والكتاب. كانت تقييمات البرنامج سيئة.

لم تنتهي مسيرة روكيت. وذهب للعب دور شقيق بروس ويليس في “ضوء القمر” ، وكان دورًا متكررًا مثل آدم في فيلم “لمسه ملاك” ، حيث لعب دور جروسبيرج في “ماكس هاندرووم” وكان له دور في “الرقصات مع الذئاب” و “البكم والغباء”. ”

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  1. It is sad to hear that former “Saturday Night Live” comedian Charles Rocket has taken his own life. The medical examiner in Connecticut says Rocket cut his throat. His body was found in a field near his home in Canterbury, Connecticut. He was 56. Rocket was on “SNL” during the 1980-1981 season. After a sketch spoofing the “Who Shot J.R.” episode of “Dallas,” Rocket muttered the ultimate taboo word at the end. He was fired shortly thereafter along with other writers and cast members. The shows ratings were poor. Rockets career did not end there. He went on to play Bruce Willis brother in “Moonlighting,” had a recurring role as Adam in the film “Dumb and Dumber,” played Grossberger in “Max Headroom,” and had a role in “Dances with Wolves” and “The Silence of the Lambs.”

  2. It is sad to hear that former “Saturday Night Live” comedian Charles Rocket has taken his own life. The medical examiner in Connecticut says Rocket cut his throat. His body was found in a field near his home in Canterbury, Connecticut. He was 56. Rocket was on “SNL” during the 1980-1981 season. After a sketch spoofing the “Who Shot J.R.” episode of “Dallas,” Rocket muttered the ultimate taboo word at the end. He was fired shortly thereafter along with other writers and cast members. The shows ratings were poor. Rockets career did not end there. He went on to play Bruce Willis brother in “Moonlighting,” had a recurring role as Adam in the film “Dumb and Dumber,” played Grossberger in “Max Headroom,” and had a role in “Dances with Wolves” and “The Silence of the Lambs.”

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