إيما واتسون تصدر مرسوما ملكيا: أنا لا أواعد الأمير هاري

إيما واتسون تصدر مرسوما ملكيا: أنا لا أواعد الأمير هاري

بفضل الشائعات التي تنشرها مجلة المرأة الأسترالية حول عيد الحب ، يمكن لتاريخ العالم الآن تسجيل أنه كانت هناك لحظة ساطعة ومشرقة يمكن أن نتصور فيها الأمير هاري وإيما واتسون.

البوب ​​فيكس: هل الأمير هاري يعود إيما واتسون?


كان هذا مخيفا لبعض والأخبار المذهلة للآخرين. إلا أن نجم “هاري بوتر” السابق “واتسون” لوح بعصا على تويتر خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع ويبدو أنه ألغى كل آمالنا وأحلامنا الملكية..

كما لاحظت في سقسقة متأخرة ، يمكنها أن تعتبر نفسها ملكية بغض النظر عمن تتواعد:

ارتبطت بمشهد من فيلم ألفونسو كوارون في عام 1995 بعنوان “أميرة صغيرة” ، تذكر فيه البطلة الشابة معذبها أن “أنا أميرة. جميع الفتيات.”

اسمع ، اسمعي!

لاحظ ممثلون من قصر باكنغهام أنهم لم يستجيبوا بعد للشائعات.

اتبع Randee Dawn على Google+ و Twitter.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Thanks to the rumors spread by the Australian womens magazine about Valentines Day, the worlds history can now record a bright and shining moment where Prince Harry and Emma Watson could be imagined together. The Pop Fix: Is Prince Harry dating Emma Watson? Feb.23.201502:36 This was scary for some and stunning news for others. However, former “Harry Potter” star “Watson” waved her wand on Twitter over the weekend and it seems she dashed all our hopes and royal dreams… The world remembers that we had little talk about not believing everything written in the media?! – Emma Watson (EmWatson) February 22, 2015 As noted in a late tweet, she can consider herself royal regardless of who she is dating: Also…..marrying a Prince not a prerequisite for being a Princess. https://t.co/vjodTAgEcC – Courtesy of Alfonso Cuaron. – Emma Watson (EmWatson) February 22, 2015 Tied to a scene from Alfonso Cuarons 1995 film “A Little Princess,” in which the young heroine remembers being tormented, saying “I am a princess. All girls are.” Listen, listen! Buckingham Palace representatives have not yet responded to the rumors. Follow Randee Dawn on Google+ and Twitter.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Thanks to the rumors spread by the Australian womens magazine about Valentines Day, the worlds history can now record a bright and shining moment where Prince Harry and Emma Watson could be imagined together. The Pop Fix: Is Prince Harry dating Emma Watson? Feb.23.201502:36 This was scary for some and stunning news for others. However, former “Harry Potter” star “Watson” waved her wand on Twitter over the weekend and it seems she dashed all our hopes and royal dreams… The world remembers that we had little talk about not believing everything written in the media?! – Emma Watson (EmWatson) February 22, 2015 As noted in a late tweet, she can consider herself royal regardless of who she is dating: Also…..marrying a Prince not a prerequisite for being a Princess. https://t.co/vjodTAgEcC – Courtesy of Alfonso Cuaron. – Emma Watson (EmWatson) February 22, 2015 Tied to a scene from Alfonso Cuarons 1995 film “A Little Princess,” in which the young heroine remembers being tormented, saying “I am a princess. All girls are.” Listen, listen! Buckingham Palace representatives have not yet responded to the rumors. Follow Randee Dawn on Google+ and Twitter.

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