



“我没想到,分享我们家庭关于奥林匹亚诞生的故事以及分娩后的所有(我)并发症都会引起女性特别是黑人女性的讨论,这些女性面临着类似的并发症,女性的问题得不到解决, “威廉姆斯为她4个月大的女儿亚历克西斯奥林匹亚奥哈尼安编了一段可爱的视频.


“作为一个国家,我们有很多工作要做,我希望我的故事可以启发一场让我们缩小这种差距的对话,”威廉斯写道。 “让我明确一点:每个母亲,无论种族或背景,都应该有健康的怀孕和分娩。我个人希望所有颜色的女性都能拥有最好的体验。“




“我的个人经历并不好,但这是我的经历,我很高兴它发生在我身上。它让我变得更加强大,这让我更加欣赏女性 – 无论是有无孩子的女性 – 都是如此。我们很强大!!!“




“我要感谢所有通过在线评论和其他平台开放的人来讲述你的故事。我鼓励你继续讲述这些故事,“威廉姆斯总结道。 “这有帮助。我们可以帮助别人。我们的声音是我们的力量。“

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    Although she usually competes as a singles player on the tennis court, tennis champion and Vogue cover star Serena Williams is a collaborator in the world of parenting. Williams revealed in Vogues February issue on Tuesday that she went to Facebook on Friday to share her concerns about womens healthcare after her post-delivery medical panic and thanked fans for their inspiring response to her personal story. “I didnt expect that sharing our familys story about Olympias birth and all the complications I had after delivery would spark a discussion among women, especially black women, who face similar complications and whose issues are not being resolved,” Williams said in a cute video she made for her 4-month-old daughter, Alexis Olympia Ohanian. Williams cited a CDC report that black women are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white women. “As a nation, we have a lot of work to do, and I hope my story can inspire a conversation that narrows this gap,” Williams wrote. “Let me be clear: every mother, regardless of race or background, should have a healthy pregnancy and childbirth. Personally, I hope women of all colors can have the best experience.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American women are more likely to die from childbirth or pregnancy-related causes than women in other high-income countries. Williams reflected on her experience after emergency care for postpartum blood clots. “My personal experience wasnt good, but it was my experience, and Im glad it happened to me. It made me stronger, and it made me appreciate women – whether they have children or not – so much more. We are powerful!!!” Serena Williams withdrew from the Australian Open on Jan. 05, 2018. Williams expressed gratitude for her reaction to the Vogue story. “I want to thank everyone who has opened up and told their stories through online comments and other platforms. I encourage you to continue telling these stories,” Williams concluded. “It helps. We can help others. Our voices are our power.”

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