“فرقعة نظرية الانفجار الكبير” ، نجوم العلم ، هوليوود شرف ستيفن هوكينج

“فرقعة نظرية الانفجار الكبير” ، نجوم العلم ، هوليوود شرف ستيفن هوكينج

لقد خرج النجوم لتكريم ستيفن هوكينج.

وكانت شخصيات شهيرة في مجالات من العلوم إلى التلفزيون تكريما لفيزيائي النظريات البريطاني الشهير بعد وفاته في 76 صباح الأربعاء الباكر..

كان أشهر عالم في العالم معروفًا بنظرياته حول الثقوب السوداء والجاذبية الكمية ، بالإضافة إلى التغلب على احتمالات البقاء على قيد الحياة بعد إعطائه سنتين للعيش بعد تشخيص التصلب الجانبي الضموري (ALS) في 21.

وفاة ستيفن هوكينج ، الفيزيائي الذي كتب “تاريخ موجز للوقت” ، عن عمر يناهز 76 عامًا


هاوكنج ، الذي كان مدير الأبحاث في الرياضيات التطبيقية والفيزياء النظرية في جامعة كامبردج ، ذهب ليكتب أكثر الكتب مبيعاً عام 1988 “تاريخ موجز للوقت” ويقدم رؤى فريدة في عالم المجهول..

قام أعضاء طاقم التمثيل المسرحي “The Big Bang Theory” ، الذي يضم أربعة شخصيات من علماء الفيزياء ، بنشر صورة جميلة وذكريات Hawking ، التي كان لها حجاب على العرض في عام 2012.

وكتبت النجمة كيلي كوكو على Instagram إلى جانب صورة المدلى بها: “لقد كان حقا شرفًا عظيمًا أن أعمل مع ستيفن هوكينغ الرائع ، لقد جعلنا نضحك وجعلناه يضحك. كانت حياته وأعماله الوظيفية موضوعًا كبيرًا علىthebigbangtheory__ ونحن جميعًا أفضل له. “

تذكر إدي ريماين ، الذي فاز بجائزة الأوسكار عن تصوير فيلمه هوكينج في فيلم “نظرية كل شيء” لعام 2014 ، أحد أشهر العلماء منذ ألبرت أينشتاين ، الذي صادف ميلاده يوم الأربعاء..

وقال ريدمين في تصريح لـ “توداي”: “لقد فقدنا عقلاً جميلاً ، عالماً مذهلاً ، وأبطال رجل حظيت به في حياتي” ، مضيفاً “حبي وأفكاري مع أسرته الاستثنائية”.

ال THEORY OF EVERYTHING, Eddie Redmayne as Stephen Hawking, 2014
فاز إيدي ريدمين بجائزة الأوسكار عن تصويره فيلم Hawking في عام 2014 كأفضل فيلم مرشح “Theory of Everything”. ايفرت

كتب عالم الفيزياء الفلكية الأمريكي وزميله في الثقافة الشعبية نيل دي غراس تايسون أن هوكينغ ترك “فراغًا فكريًا” في أعقابه. كان تايسون وطاقم “The Big Bang Theory” عام 2023 متلقيًا لميدالية “ستيفن هوكينج” للتواصل العلمي من مهرجان ستارموس للعلوم.

شدد نائب الرئيس السابق آل غور على “اختراقات استثنائية” من هوكينغ وكذلك شجاعته في مواجهة ALS.

كما نعى الممثل الكوميدى كوميل نانجيانى و عضو “ستار تريك” المصور الاوروبى جورج تاكي “الخسارة الكبيرة للمجتمع العلمى”.

اتبع الكاتب TODAY.com سكوت ستامب على تويتر.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “The stars came out to honor Stephen Hawking. Famous figures from fields ranging from science to television paid tribute to the famous British theoretical physicist after his death at the age of 76 on Wednesday morning. He was the most famous scientist in the world known for his theories about black holes and quantum gravity, as well as overcoming the odds of survival after being given two years to live following a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in 21. The death of Stephen Hawking, the physicist who wrote “A Brief History of Time,” at the age of 76 on March 14, 2018. Hawking, who was the director of research in applied mathematics and theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge, went on to write the best-selling book in 1988 “A Brief History of Time” and offered unique insights into the world of the unknown. The cast of the TV show “The Big Bang Theory,” which features four characters from the world of physics, posted a beautiful picture and memories of Hawking, which was featured in 2012. In memory of Stephen Hawkings love. It was an honor to see him on The #BigBangTheory. Thank you for inspiring us and the world. pic.twitter.com/9rWoYqIToy – The Big Bang Theory (bigbangtheory) March 14, 2018. Actress Kaley Cuoco wrote on Instagram alongside a photo of herself: “It was truly an honor to work with the amazing Stephen Hawking, he made us laugh and made him laugh. His life and work were a big subject on thebigbangtheory__ and we are all better for it.” Eddie Redmayne, who won an Oscar for his portrayal of Hawking in the 2014 film “The Theory of Everything,” remembered one of the most famous scientists since Albert Einstein, whose birthday was on Wednesday. Redmayne told “Today”: “We have lost a beautiful mind, an amazing scientist, and a heroic man I was lucky to know in my life,” adding “my love and thoughts are with his exceptional family.” Eddie Redmayne won an Oscar for his portrayal of Hawking in 2014 as the best film nominee “Theory of Everything.” Astrophysicist and fellow pop culture Neil deGrasse Tyson wrote that Hawking left a “vac

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “The stars came out to honor Stephen Hawking. Famous figures from fields ranging from science to television paid tribute to the famous British theoretical physicist after his death at the age of 76 on Wednesday morning. He was the most famous scientist in the world known for his theories about black holes and quantum gravity, as well as overcoming the odds of survival after being given two years to live following a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in 21. The death of Stephen Hawking, the physicist who wrote “A Brief History of Time,” at the age of 76 on March 14, 2018. Hawking, who was the director of research in applied mathematics and theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge, went on to write the best-selling book in 1988 “A Brief History of Time” and offered unique insights into the world of the unknown. The cast of the TV show “The Big Bang Theory,” which features four characters from the world of physics, posted a beautiful picture and memories of Hawking, which was featured in 2012. In memory of Stephen Hawkings love. It was an honor to see him on The #BigBangTheory. Thank you for inspiring us and the world. pic.twitter.com/9rWoYqIToy – The Big Bang Theory (bigbangtheory) March 14, 2018. Actress Kaley Cuoco wrote on Instagram alongside a photo of herself: “It was truly an honor to work with the amazing Stephen Hawking, he made us laugh and made him laugh. His life and work were a big subject on thebigbangtheory__ and we are all better for it.” Eddie Redmayne, who won an Oscar for his portrayal of Hawking in the 2014 film “The Theory of Everything,” remembered one of the most famous scientists since Albert Einstein, whose birthday was on Wednesday. Redmayne told “Today”: “We have lost a beautiful mind, an amazing scientist, and a heroic man I was lucky to know in my life,” adding “my love and thoughts are with his exceptional family.” Eddie Redmayne won an Oscar for his portrayal of Hawking in 2014 as the best film nominee “Theory of Everything.” Astrophysicist and fellow pop culture Neil deGrasse Tyson wrote that Hawking left a “vac

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