بصفته مضيفة لجوائز غولدن غلوب ، لم يضيع سيث مايرز سوى القليل من الوقت في معالجة موضوع الليلة الكبير: الحملة المتنامية ضد فضائح سوء السلوك الجنسي التي هزت هوليوود في الأشهر الأخيرة.
في الواقع ، خاطبها مع النكتة الأولى في مونولوجه الافتتاحي.
“مساء الخير ، أيها السيدات والسادة الباقين” ، خاطب النجوم في الغرفة في فندق Beverly Hilton بعد المشي على المسرح.
وأضاف مايرز “إنه 2023”. “الماريجوانا مسموح به أخيرًا والتحرش الجنسي في النهاية ليس كذلك.”
أشار مضيف “الليلة المتأخرة” إلى الجهود التمكينية التي بذلها العديد من النجوم لمكافحة التحرش الجنسي.
“هناك حقبة جديدة قيد التنفيذ ، ويمكنني أن أقول ذلك لأن سنوات كان رجل أبيض بهذا التوتر في هوليوود” ، وقال ساخرا.
لعدة دقائق ، تناول مايرز هذا الموضوع بحس الفكاهة ، مع الحرص على عدم تجاوز حدود الذوق.
“حاولوا الحصول على امرأة لاستضافة هذا العرض. قالوا: “مهلا ، كيف تريد أن تأتي وتحكم من قبل بعض أقوى الناس في هوليوود؟” وكانت النساء مثل ، “حسنا ، أين هي؟” وقالوا إنه في فندق ، وقصة طويلة باختصار: أنا مضيفك الليلة.
جاء نكتين من Meyers على حساب Kevin Spacey ، أحد الممثلين البارزين المتعددين الذين اتهموا بسوء السلوك الجنسي ، لكنه احتفظ بأصعب انتقادات لاذعة لهارفي وينشتاين ، الرجل الذي ألهم تصرفاته المزعومة حركة #MeToo.
“أعتقد أن الوقت قد حان للتصدي للفيلة وليس في الغرفة … لم يكن هارفي وينشتاين هنا الليلة لأنني سمعت شائعات بأنه مجنون ومن الصعب العمل معه” ، قال. “لكن لا داعي للقلق – سيعود بعد عشرين عامًا عندما يصبح أول شخص يصدر صيحات الاستهجان أثناء النشيد”.
عندما تفاعل الجمهور مع صيحات مسموعة ، أضاف مايرز ، “سوف يبدو الأمر كذلك.”
تبعت مونولوج الافتتاحي لمايرز سجادة حمراء ارتدت فيها العديد من النجوم السوداء وركبت دبوسًا تايم أب لأعلى لزيادة الوعي بمكافحة التحرش الجنسي في مكان العمل..
انظر ماذا يحدث (وجائزة!) جائزة جولدن جلوب
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:
As the host of the Golden Globe Awards, Seth Meyers wasted no time addressing the big topic of the night: the growing campaign against sexual misconduct scandals that have rocked Hollywood in recent months. In fact, he addressed it with his first joke in his opening monologue. “Good evening, ladies and remaining gentlemen,” the stars in the Beverly Hilton hotel room were addressed after walking onto the stage. Meyers added, “Its 2018. Marijuana is finally allowed and sexual harassment finally isnt.” The Late Night host pointed to the empowering efforts many stars have made to combat sexual harassment. “Theres a new era underway, and I can say that because for years Ive been a white man with this tension in Hollywood,” he said sarcastically. For several minutes, Meyers tackled the subject with humor, being careful not to cross any lines of taste. “They tried to get a woman to host this show. They said, Hey, how would you like to come and be judged by some of the most powerful people in Hollywood? And women were like, Hmm, well where is it? And they said, Its at a hotel, and long story short, Im your host tonight.” Meyers directed laughter (and uproar) when he addressed the sexual harassment scandals that have rocked Hollywood. Two jokes came at the expense of Kevin Spacey, one of the prominent actors accused of sexual misconduct, but he saved his harshest barbs for Harvey Weinstein, the man whose alleged actions inspired the #MeToo movement. “I think its time to address the elephant not in the room … Harvey Weinstein isnt here tonight because Ive heard rumors that hes crazy and difficult to work with,” he said. “But dont worry, hell be back in 20 years when he becomes the first person ever booed during the In Memoriam.” When the audience reacted to audible boos, Meyers added, “Itll sound like that.” Meyers opening monologue was followed by a red carpet where many black stars wore Times Up pins to raise awareness of combating sexual harassment in the workplace.
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:
As the host of the Golden Globe Awards, Seth Meyers wasted no time addressing the big topic of the night: the growing campaign against sexual misconduct scandals that have rocked Hollywood in recent months. In fact, he addressed it with his first joke in his opening monologue. “Good evening, ladies and remaining gentlemen,” he addressed the stars in the room at the Beverly Hilton hotel after walking onto the stage. And Meyers added, “Its 2018. Marijuana is finally allowed and sexual harassment finally isnt.”
The Late Night host pointed to the empowering efforts many stars have made to combat sexual harassment. “Theres a new era underway, and I can tell because its been years since a white man was this nervous in Hollywood,” he said sarcastically. For several minutes, Meyers tackled the subject with humor, being careful not to cross any lines of taste. “They tried to get a woman to host this show. They said, Hey, how would you like to come and be judged by some of the most powerful people in Hollywood? And women were like, Hmm, well where is it? And they said, Its at a hotel, and long story short, Im your host tonight.”
Meyers drew laughter (and groans) when he addressed the sexual harassment scandals that have rocked Hollywood. Two jokes came at the expense of Kevin Spacey, one of the prominent actors accused of sexual misconduct, but he saved his harshest barbs for Harvey Weinstein, the man whose alleged actions inspired the #MeToo movement. “I think its time to address the elephant not in the room … Harvey Weinstein isnt here tonight because, well, Ive heard rumors that hes crazy and difficult to work with,” he said. “But dont worry, hell be back in 20 years when he becomes the first person ever booed during the In Memoriam.” When the audience reacted with audible groans, Meyers added, “Itll sound like that.”
Following Meyers opening monologue was a red carpet where many black stars wore Times Up pins to raise awareness for combating sexual harassment in the workplace.