




“头发止血带综合症并不是我听说过的,”斯科特告诉TODAY.com。 “当我们发现这是非常紧张的时候,因为任何时候你的孩子受伤都会让你感到压力;你会感到无助。我很幸运能有一位妻子是一位很棒的护士,能够在几分钟内拔掉头发。”



“这是一个非常可怕的情况,”他说。 “它结束得非常好,但是在我不希望任何其他人处理类似事情的情况下,这是非常可怕的,所以我写了这篇文章。”

育儿和青少年发展专家Debi Gilboa博士告诉TODAY.com,头发止血带是幼儿面临的众多风险之一,但没有多少父母知道它.




“如果你觉得你的孩子的行为方式不同寻常,请注意它。你通常是对的,”Gilboa说。 “头发止血带是一个很好的检查方法,并且不难发现。没有任何方法可以防止它。但它们并不难以移除。使用类似发夹的东西,所以它很薄而且不锋利,将它滑到头发和皮肤之间,然后立刻弹出。如果你觉得不舒服,请打电话给你的医生。“


“有很多人没有听过这个消息,而且我们收到了一些看过这个帖子的人的消息,从那时起就发生在他们身上并采取行动帮助他们的孩子在病情恶化之前离开,”他说过。 “它得到多少奖励?”




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Every new parent has been there: your baby is crying, and despite your best efforts to comfort your infant, you cant figure out whats wrong. This is what happened to Scott and Jessica Walker of Wichita, Kansas when their 19-year-old daughter Molly started screaming during lunch. As the baby became increasingly agitated, she started to overheat. The warmth prompted Jessica to take off the babys socks to cool her down. Thats when they discovered the source of the screaming: a hair tourniquet around her toe.

    A hair what? Like many parents, Scott had never heard of this syndrome, where a strand of hair inexplicably wraps around a toe so tightly that it can penetrate the skin and potentially cut off circulation. “Hair tourniquet syndrome is not something I had ever heard of,” Scott told TODAY.com. “When we found out what it was, it was very nerve-wracking because any time your child is hurt, it stresses you out; you feel helpless. I was lucky to have a wife who is a great nurse and was able to remove the hair in a matter of minutes.”

    After going through the ordeal, Scott decided to share the story on Facebook, hoping to inspire friends and family who are also new parents. Since then, his post has been shared over 16,000 times and has garnered over 27,000 likes. “Its a very scary situation,” he said. “It ended well, but its very scary, and I dont want anyone else to have to deal with something like this, so I wrote the post.”

    Parenting and adolescent development expert Dr. Debi Gilboa told TODAY.com that hair tourniquets are one of many risks that infants face, but not many parents know about it. “This is something that all pediatric interns are taught to look for when they cant console an infant or preverbal toddler,” she said.

    Hair tourniquets happen because many parents have long hair, and babies often grab onto it, or a part of it may end up in places like diapers or socks that you wouldnt notice at night. “If you feel like your childs behavior is unusual, pay attention to it. Youre usually right,” Gilboa said. “Hair tourniquets are a great check, and

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