ميراندا لامبرت تحتفل بعيد ميلاد صديقها أندرسون إيست: “إنه يمتلك قلبي”

ميراندا لامبرت تحتفل بعيد ميلاد صديقها أندرسون إيست: “إنه يمتلك قلبي”

تحتفل ميراندا لامبرت بالرجل الذي تحبه ، وصديقها أندرسون إيست.

تكريما لروح المغنية الجنوبية و عيد ميلاد المغني R & B ، قام لامبرت بمشاركة صور مجمعة لزوجين لطيفين وشعور حلو جداً على Instagram Monday.


وكتبت في العنوان الذي رافق الطلقات ذات اللون الأزرق: “صغري المفضل لدى باما تحول إلى 30 اليوم”. “يمتلك المسرح ويمتلك قلبي.”

هذا الجزء الأخير واضح من بلدان جزر المحيط الهادئ التي تظهر الاثنين مبتسما ، يحتضن ويحدق في عيون بعضهما البعض.

وقال النجم القطري البالغ من العمر 33 عاما “أنت نور يمكن أن يتفوق على الشمس”. “أحب صنع الذكريات معك.”


لقد تم صنع هذه الذكريات معًا لبعض الوقت الآن.

بدأت لامبرت آند إيست في أواخر عام 2015 ، بعد أشهر فقط من إعلانها وبليك شيلتون عن الطلاق بعد أربع سنوات من الزواج.

أما بالنسبة للشرق ، فقد أخذ أيضًا إلى Instagram ونشر مجموعة من الصور ، بما في ذلك بعض الصور نفسها (انقر عليها أو مررها لتراها كلها) ، إلى جانب رسالة تقدير من القلب – لامبرت وغيرها.


لا تحصل على أفضل من ذلك بكثير!

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Miranda Lambert celebrates the man she loves, her friend Anderson East. In honor of the Southern singers spirit and the R&B singers birthday, Lambert shared a collection of cute couple photos and a very sweet feeling on Instagram Monday. In the caption that accompanied the blue shots, she wrote: “My favorite Bama boy turned 30 today.” “He owns the stage and he owns my heart.” This last part is clear from the Pacific Island countries that show the two smiling, hugging and staring into each others eyes. The 33-year-old Qatari star said, “You are a light that can outshine the sun.” “I love making memories with you.” These memories have been made together for some time now. Lambert and East started in late 2015, just months after her announcement and Blake Sheltons divorce after four years of marriage. As for the East, he also took to Instagram and posted a collection of photos, including some of the same photos (click or scroll to see them all), along with a heartfelt appreciation message – for Lambert and others. You cant get much better than that!

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English.

    Miranda Lambert celebrates the man she loves, her friend Anderson East. In honor of the Southern singers spirit and the R&B singers birthday, Lambert shared a collection of cute couple photos and a very sweet feeling on Instagram Monday. In the caption that accompanied the blue shots, she wrote: “My favorite Bama boy turned 30 today.” “He owns the stage and he owns my heart.” This last part is evident from the Pacific Island countries that show the two smiling, hugging and staring into each others eyes. The 33-year-old Qatari star said, “You are a light that can outshine the sun.” “I love making memories with you.” These memories have been made together for some time now. Lambert and East started in late 2015, just months after her announcement and Blake Sheltons divorce after four years of marriage. As for the East, he also took to Instagram and posted a collection of photos, including some of the same photos (click or swipe to see them all), along with a heartfelt appreciation message – for Lambert and others. You cant get much better than that!

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