


Float Baby是一家位于德克萨斯州休斯顿的新酒店,迎合年仅几周的顾客,让婴儿在水中放松,享受按摩带来的好处.



所有者Kristi Ison在阅读了英国的类似概念后得到了这个想法。她相信她的生意是美国第一个此类婴儿水疗中心。.

“我们发现婴儿发现水非常舒缓和放松,”43岁的Ison在她的水疗中心开业几个月后告诉TODAY Moms.

“在他们可以翻身之前,他们想要移动而他们无法 – 他们要么在运营商中,要么被关押 – 所以当我们将他们放入水中并体验到自由时,他们真的很喜欢它。 ”





“新生儿特别喜欢它,我们看到它们飘起来,然后在漂浮的时候小睡一会儿,”她说。 “年龄较大的婴儿,他们真的喜欢踢腿,嬉戏和社交。”

浮动装置 – 由Float Baby开发 – 有一个内环,支撑婴儿的下巴和头部的底部,同时允许水下的手臂和腿自由移动,Ison说。水被净化并且其温度保持在95-98华氏度。她补充说,婴儿穿着游泳尿布,泳池每天都会被洗掉。在会议期间,家长聚集在游泳池周围观看小孩.



“我不认为在水中有什么特别之处。波士顿儿童医院的儿科医生和医学传播编辑Claire McCarthy博士说:“在地板上爬行更容易。”.

“我认为这不是必要的,而且我认为婴儿可以通过在家与父母的积极游戏获得同样的健康益处 – 获得额外的结合效益,而且是免费的。”


虽然Float Baby最年轻的顾客到目前为止已经有3个星期了,但麦卡锡表示,对于婴儿来说,最好有一些躯干和头部控制,从4个月左右开始。她补充说,到那时,他们可能从其他婴儿身上感染的风险也会减少.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    During nap time, caregivers and parents can become too tired and overwhelmed, but now babies have the option to enjoy themselves at a baby spa. Float Baby is a new hotel located in Houston, Texas that caters to customers as young as a few weeks old, allowing babies to relax in water and enjoy the benefits of massage. The Houston spa is designed specifically for babies and was inspired by a similar concept in the UK. The owner, Kristi Ison, believes that her business is the first of its kind in the US. Babies are placed in a special floating device around their necks, allowing them to float in a small pool for about 20 minutes while their heads remain above water. The visit also includes a newborn massage, which parents can learn from Ison, a certified infant massage instructor. The cost of a visit is $65, with discounts available for parents who book multiple sessions. Ison says that the younger the baby, the better their reaction to water, as they have spent the last nine months floating in amniotic fluid in the womb. The floating device, developed by Float Baby, has an inner ring that supports the babys chin and the bottom of their head, while allowing their arms and legs to move freely underwater. The water is purified and kept at a temperature of 95-98 degrees Fahrenheit, and babies wear swim diapers. Parents gather around the pool to watch their children during the session. While some experts believe that any type of exercise can improve strength and cardiovascular health, others argue that babies can receive the same health benefits through positive play at home with their parents. However, as long as babies are carefully supervised and the water is kept clean, visits to the spa should be safe. The floating device should not cause concern as long as it is fully inflated and removed if it appears uncomfortable, and as long as the child is regularly watched. Although Float Babys youngest customer so far is only three weeks old, experts recommend waiting until babies have some trunk and head control, which typically develops around four months old, before introducing them to water. If parents want their children to play in water and receive the benefits of exercise, experts recommend parent-child swimming classes.

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