

如果你想要在雕刻感恩节火鸡之前打破圣诞灯,那就继续吧 – 心理学家说它可能会让你更开心.

英国网站Unilad让我们都想到提前几周修剪树。它报告了专家评论,关于早期装饰的人是如何在我们其他人之前进入假期的兴奋 – 这让他们更快乐.

心理学家Deborah Serani告诉TODAY Home这是真的:装饰绝对可以提升你的心情.



“这确实创造了可以产生快乐的神经转变,”她说。 “我认为任何能让我们摆脱正常习惯的事情,正常的日常生活……都标志着我们的感官,然后我们的感官会衡量它是否令人愉悦。”


但究竟是什么,圣诞装饰会触发那些快乐的荷尔蒙呢? Serani说,对于初学者来说,明亮的灯光和色彩。色素疗法或色彩疗法被认为可以提高能量水平并提高幸福感。或者也许这只是一般的氛围 – 谁能在第一次点亮圣诞树时能够抵抗微笑?甚至还有一个新的科学领域,致力于理解我们设计的环境如何影响行为,称为神经结构.






如果你对后者有更多的了解,心理学家和幸福专家伊丽莎白隆巴多就有这个提示:“开始一个新的传统,”她告诉TODAY Home。 “它是否会消失,看电影作为一个家庭,志愿服务。它创造了一个新的协会。”下次假期到来时,你会下意识地将一年中的那段时间与你更新,更快乐的回忆联系起来.





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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses how decorating for Christmas can boost ones mood and trigger the release of dopamine, a feel-good hormone. Bright lights and colors are said to be particularly effective in this regard. Additionally, early decorating can help people recreate happy childhood memories and create new traditions. However, it is important to note that for some people, the holiday season may bring up negative memories, and it is important to find new ways to create positive associations with the season. Overall, decorating for Christmas can be a fun and mood-boosting activity, but it is important to prioritize safety when storing decorations.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses how decorating for Christmas can boost ones mood and trigger the release of dopamine, a feel-good hormone. Bright lights and colors are said to be particularly effective in this regard. Additionally, early decorating can help people recreate happy childhood memories and create new traditions. However, it is important to note that for some people, the holiday season may bring up negative memories, and it is important to find new ways to create positive associations with the season. Overall, decorating for Christmas can be a fun and mood-boosting activity, but it is important to prioritize safety when storing decorations.

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