

乡村明星Luke Bryan的新专辑“Kill the Lights”于8月7日星期五上映,为庆祝发行,Yankee Candle为他的荣誉创作了一个特别的限量版蜡烛.

2015年 CMT Music Awards - Arrivals
纳什维尔,TN – 6月10日:音乐家卢克布莱恩在2015年6月10日的普利司通竞技场出席2015年CMT音乐奖在纳稀威,田纳西。 (摄影:Jason Merritt / Getty Images)杰森梅里特/盖蒂图片社


根据Yankee Candle发言人的说法,香草波本香水 – 该公司秋季五种新气味之一 – 最终被认为是该歌手的最佳选择。虽然以Luke为特色的限量版罐子无法购买,但您可以参加本月两次单独抽奖活动中的一次.

由Yankee Candle提供

第一场比赛将持续到8月6日,让粉丝有机会赢得蜡烛和亲笔签名的“Kill The Lights”CD。来自抽奖活动的一位幸运大奖得主将收到一个礼品篮,其中包括蜡烛,CD和亲笔签名的Luke Bryan吉他。第二次抽奖将于8月7日至28日举行,1,500名获奖者将获得限量版蜡烛.

从周五开始,粉丝们还可以在YankeeCandle.com/LukeBryan的Yankee Candle商店和网上购买“Kill the Lights”专辑。那些在商店购买的人将在8月16日之前免费收到香草波旁的蜡烛.



“我们很高兴能与环球音乐集团纳什维尔合作发行Luke Bryan的专辑’Kill the Lights’和限量版蜡烛抽奖活动,”Yankee Candle Company总裁,筹款总裁兼首席营销官Brad Wolansky说。 “通过这个新的机会,我们能够为Yankee Candle和Luke Bryan粉丝提供一种独特的方式来同时庆祝他们喜爱的品牌。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Country star Luke Bryans new album “Kill the Lights” was released on Friday, August 7th, and to celebrate the launch, Yankee Candle created a special limited edition candle in his honor. Nashville, TN – June 10: Musician Luke Bryan attends the 2015 CMT Music awards at the Bridgestone Arena on June 10, 2015 in Nashville, Tennessee. (Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images) Jason Merritt/Getty Images So, when you “kill the lights” in your own home and listen to his new tracks, your place can be illuminated by the soft flames and inspired by the “Thats My Kind of Night” singer. According to a Yankee Candle spokesperson, Vanilla Bourbon fragrance – one of the companys five new scents for fall – was ultimately deemed the best choice for the singer. Although the limited edition jar featuring Luke is not available for purchase, you can enter one of two separate sweepstakes this month. The first contest will run until August 6th, giving fans a chance to win a candle and an autographed “Kill The Lights” CD. One lucky grand prize winner from the sweepstakes will receive a gift basket that includes a candle, CD, and autographed Luke Bryan guitar. The second sweepstakes will run from August 7th to 28th, with 1,500 winners receiving the limited edition candle. Starting on Friday, fans can also purchase “Kill the Lights” album at YankeeCandle.com/LukeBryans Yankee Candle store and online. Those who purchase in-store will receive a free Vanilla Bourbon candle by August 16th. “We are thrilled to partner with Universal Music Group Nashville to release Luke Bryans album Kill the Lights and the limited edition candle sweepstakes,” said Brad Wolansky, President, Fundraising, and Chief Marketing Officer of Yankee Candle Company. “Through this new opportunity, we are able to offer a unique way for Yankee Candle and Luke Bryan fans to celebrate their beloved brands simultaneously.”

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