




… 从服装


作为清洁专家,Mulberry’s Garment Care的创始人/首席执行官Dan Miller希望您了解他的清洁技巧背后的原因。 “大多数婴儿配方奶粉主要由牛奶组成,因此它们的污渍是以动物为基础的,”米勒解释道。 “这些污渍可以用碱性溶液去除,如洗衣液,洗碗清洁剂或氨水。”

  1. 首先将冷水冲洗污渍背面.
  2. 将一汤匙盘子或洗衣粉或氨水放在湿白布上.
  3. 轻轻地将它擦到污渍中.
  4. 等待五分钟,然后再用冷水冲洗污渍背面.
  5. 如果污渍仍然存在,请用酶去污剂喷洒。米勒说,酶蛋白酶可去除动物性污渍,因此请确保您的去污剂含有蛋白酶。 (Zout和第7代做。)
  6. 请按照包装说明,了解清洗前清洁剂的工作时间,然后用热水清洗。根据需要重复.



… 从室内装潢

清洁教练Leslie Reichert建议使用洗碗清洁剂去除室内装饰品上的这些污渍.

  1. 将一汤匙洗碗清洁剂与两杯冷水混合.
  2. 使用干净的白布,用洗涤剂溶液和干布交替擦拭污渍.
  3. 重复,直到污渍消失.
  4. 用干净的湿布擦拭织物上的洗涤剂残留物.
  5. 吸干一下.



… 从地毯

Chem-Dry清洁培训总监Jotham Hatch提供了从地毯中去除婴儿配方奶粉的建议.

“宝宝配方很少会留下污渍,当用水快速清理时,几乎总会出现,”哈奇说。 “然而,重要的是不要放置现场,因为这可能会导致难看的污渍,使地毯变黄。”

  1. 用温水和干净的毛巾擦拭污渍,经常冲洗毛巾。不要摩擦该区域,否则您将深深地驱动污渍.
  2. 用干净的干布擦干,直至污渍似乎消失.
  3. 如果污渍仍然存在,将极少量的洗洁精加入水中,并如上所述继续吸干.
  4. 4.如果使用这两种方法后污渍仍然存在,请联系专业的地毯清洁服务,最好是环保的,这是Hatch的补充.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “What is quieter than feeding a baby? Giving them a bottle, feeling their rhythmic breathing, listening to their sobs and sighs… and then finding a baby formula stain on your new shirt, or worse, on the couch or carpet! Too relaxing, right? Cherish this moment and forget about the stain! Follow the advice of our three cleaning experts on how to remove baby formula stains… from clothing. Note: Professional cleaning of silk or wool is recommended. As a cleaning expert, Dan Miller, founder and CEO of Mulberrys Garment Care, wants you to understand the reason behind his cleaning techniques. “Most baby formula is primarily made up of milk, so their stains are animal-based,” Miller explains. “These stains can be removed with alkaline solutions such as laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, or ammonia.” First, rinse the stain with cold water from the back. Put a tablespoon of dish soap or laundry powder or ammonia on a wet white cloth. Gently rub it into the stain. Wait five minutes, then rinse the stain from the back with cold water. If the stain still exists, spray with an enzyme stain remover. Miller says that enzyme protease can remove animal stains, so make sure your stain remover contains protease. (Zout and Seventh Generation do.) Follow the package instructions to understand the working time of the cleaner before cleaning, then wash with hot water. Repeat as needed. From interior decoration, cleaning coach Leslie Reichert recommends using dishwashing detergent to remove these stains from interior decorations. Mix a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent with two cups of cold water. Use a clean white cloth to alternately wipe the stain with detergent solution and dry cloth. Repeat until the stain disappears. Wipe off any detergent residue on the fabric with a clean damp cloth. Dry it up. From the carpet, Jotham Hatch, the cleaning training director of Chem-Dry, offers advice on removing baby formula from the carpet. “Baby formula rarely leaves stains, and almost always appears when cleaned quickly with water,” Hatch said. “However, it is important not to leave the spot, as this may cause unsightly stains and make the carpet yellow.” Wipe the stain with warm water and a clean towel, frequently rinsing the towel. Do not rub the area, or you will drive the stain deeper. Wipe

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