


如何去除苏打污渍 …

… 可洗衣物:

明尼阿波利斯,圣保罗和旧金山的Mulberry’s Garment Care的老板Dan Miller解释说,可乐污渍是以植物为基础的,并且被酸分解。米勒提供了一种解决这种污渍的三级方法.

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… 地毯和家具:

Coverall North America的部门业务开发经理Steve Huck用同样的方法去除地毯和室内装饰品上的可乐污渍.






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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any particular language. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    “Hamburgers go better with cold Coke than anything else. However, when it spills on your clothes, this drink goes from refreshing to annoying. Today, the family asked the cleaning expert how to remove Coke stains, and it turns out its not that difficult after all! How to remove soda stains… Washable clothes: Dan Miller, owner of Mulberrys Garment Care in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and San Francisco, explains that Coke stains are plant-based and are broken down by acid. Miller offers a three-level method for dealing with these stains. Level 1: Pre-treat the stain with lemon juice or vinegar and let it sit on the stain for 5 minutes. Scrubbing the stain with a small brush or toothbrush may help. Rinse the stain with water, making sure the acid does not damage the fabric. In most cases, this pre-treatment will loosen the stain and it will come out through rubbing with detergent or throwing it in the washing machine. Check out these surprising uses for vinegar. Level 2: If the stain still exists, use an enzyme-based stain remover spray. Let it work for 15 minutes. Machine or hand wash as usual. Level 3: If the stain still exists, the final option is to use an oxygen bleach such as hydrogen peroxide or chlorine bleach. Since these products can easily cause color loss or fiber damage, be sure to test the product in an inconspicuous place before applying it to clothing. Do not let the bleach sit on the clothes for more than a minute before rinsing. Another option is to machine wash the clothing with detergent and bleach. Cleaning your toilet with Coke? Surprising household cleaning hacks. Carpets and furniture: Steve Huck, business development manager for Coverall North America, uses the same method to remove Coke stains from carpets and indoor decorations. Wipe away as much soda water as possible with a clean white cloth. Use a tannin stain remover on the spill, but test it first in an inconspicuous place to make sure the color or fabric texture does not change. Apply the tannin stain remover according to the package instructions. Blot up any excess. Repeat as needed until the stain disappears. If you dont have a general or tannin detector, wipe the stain with a damp

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