一个蹲便器听起来很荒谬,但实际上很神奇 – 这就是原因

一个蹲便器听起来很荒谬,但实际上很神奇 – 这就是原因

大家都大吃一惊! (好吧,希望你这样做 – 如果没有,请联系医疗专业人员。)我们可能都花了太多时间上厕所,在TODAY.com上阅读文章,在YouTube上观看视频,或者一般都在追踪新闻.

虽然我无法帮助你花多少时间在浴室里完成上述所有工作,但我确实有一个解决方案,可以更快地完成工作。当朋友给我一个蹲便器 – 凳子供你的凳子时,我在浴室里的努力有了很大的改善.




$ 25亚马逊



这就是Squatty Potty的用武之地.

我用过它。不仅仅是一个星期或一个月 – 几年前我一直是一个真正的信徒,几年前打开了奇形怪状的圣诞礼物.

它变得更快,更容易,更清洁(抱歉!)。 Squatty Potty-本质上是一个塑料凳子,让你在坐在马桶上时将脚放在上面 – 通过矫直你的结肠来消除任何阻力,同时消除浪费.

Squatty Potty

一旦你完成了,Squatty Potty的“环绕式”设计让你可以把它推回去,因为它巧妙地拥抱你的马桶底座,等待它的下一次使用机会.


而且我不是那里唯一的Squatty Potty粉丝 – 该产品在亚马逊上有成千上万的令人难以置信的评论(在5星评级中有4.5分),它赢得了Shark Tank的资金,最重要的是,它互联网有史以来最独特的视频中的明星(独角兽pooping彩虹软发,有人吗?).



SquattyPottymus Kit

SquattyPottymus Kit

$ 45蹲便盆




$ 24蹲便盆




$ 100蹲便盆

这也可能是所有Squatty Pottys的保时捷。它由雕刻的丙烯酸玻璃制成,是一种精致和风格(或网站上说的那样).



About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Everyone is surprised! (Okay, I hope youre doing this – if not, please contact a medical professional.) We may have spent too much time in the bathroom, reading articles on TODAY.com, watching videos on YouTube, or generally keeping up with the news. While I cant help you with how much time you spend doing all of the above in the bathroom, I do have a solution that can make things go faster. When a friend gave me a squatting toilet stool for my bathroom, my efforts in the bathroom improved greatly. Squatty Pottys editors, writers, and experts today carefully recommend products we really like, and we hope you will too! You know, there really is an affiliate relationship today. So while each product is an independent choice, if you buy a product through our link, we may earn a small portion of the revenue. Squatty Potty $25 Amazon You may be wondering what kind of friend “gives” you a bathroom stool, or even needs such a gift? The question should be, “Who doesnt need it?” But maybe we should spend less time emphasizing our intestines and more time emphasizing what to wear to work or getting the kids out the door. This is where Squatty Potty comes in. Ive used it. Not just for a week or a month – Ive been a true believer for years, ever since I opened the oddly shaped Christmas gift a few years ago. Its faster, easier, and cleaner (sorry!). Squatty Potty – essentially a plastic stool that allows you to put your feet up while sitting on the toilet – eliminates any resistance by straightening your colon, while eliminating waste. Once youre done, Squatty Pottys “surround” design allows you to push it back in, as it cleverly hugs your toilet base, waiting for its next use. Its manufacturer claims that feces have been shown to improve colon health, hemorrhoid symptoms, constipation, and bloating, while making your bathroom trips shorter and more efficient. I cant prove medical claims, but it certainly speeds up my morning routine. And Im not the only Squatty Potty fan out there – the product has thousands of incredible reviews on Amazon (with a 4.5-star rating in 5-star ratings), it won funding on Shark

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