

就像“The Beard”剧集中的“Seinfeld”一样,Jason Alexander“秃顶”。任何最近瞥见“Seinfeld”明星的人都会注意到这位着名的秃头演员突然头顶上有一些头发.

演员 Jason Alexander with hair in August, left, and in 2009, with less hair.
演员杰森亚历山大在八月份留下了头发,在2009年,头发较少.Getty Images,AP档案/今天


肯定不缺少能证明头发不是演员的人才。如果只有他有一个更明显的发际线,Terry O’Quinn可能在“迷失”中扮演了更好的John Locke. 

需要更多证据表明少即是多?与Ed Harris在“Gone Baby Gone”中扮演这个场景,在那里他有一些假发。我不了解你,但我在想“那不是埃德哈里斯的头发。”没有它,他的角色和整个场景都会如此伟大.






想一个动作明星必须让头发成为英雄?告诉布鲁斯威利斯。这是“更加努力”。不是“Die Hairdo”。坏男孩英国人杰森斯坦森不需要他的头发吹在风中成为“运输者”。




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the issue of baldness among Hollywood actors and whether they should accept it or seek hair solutions. The article mentions Jason Alexander, who recently revealed that he found a semi-permanent hair solution that makes him happy. The article also presents examples of actors who embraced their baldness, such as Stanley Tucci, and those who used hair solutions, such as Ed Harris. Ultimately, the article suggests that actors should do what makes them happy and that baldness should not affect their talent or appeal.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the issue of baldness among Hollywood actors and whether they should accept it or seek hair solutions. The article mentions Jason Alexander, who recently revealed that he found a semi-permanent hair solution that makes him happy. The article also presents examples of actors who embraced their baldness, such as Stanley Tucci, and those who used hair solutions, such as Ed Harris. Ultimately, the article suggests that actors should do what makes them happy and that baldness should not affect their talent or appeal.

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