

拿那个,“随意的家伙” – 以及所有其他跟随他们的“随意的家伙”.


索菲亚 Bush



“不要继续尝试交谈,”她继续道。 “停止转身看着她。当她不得不从原来座位上方的头顶垃圾箱里拿出一些东西时,不要从座位上向她的身体倾斜,不幸的是,在飞行途中也在你的上方。”

相关:Alyssa Milano关于育儿的难点:’我爱我的剖腹产疤’


“在我的情况下,不要再相信你有权让我感到不舒服,因为你’看我的电视节目’所以我欠你一些神奇的债务。我做到了,你看着它,”布什写道。 “在那之后,’交换’已经完成。你不会骚扰我或任何女人,因为你认为你支付我们的账单。”

“你没有兄弟,”她总结道。 “我做。”

她签下了她的笔记:“行星上的每个女人都厌恶了你的令人毛骨悚然的S —”,然后用中指表情符号发推文.


Sophia Bush在’芝加哥P.D.’的第3季:’我们在一个好地方’


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a gender or a culture, but I can understand and translate the text provided. The article discusses Sophia Bushs recent tweet about harassment and how she dealt with it on a flight. She shared her experience and gave advice on how to handle such situations. The article emphasizes the importance of not making women uncomfortable and respecting their boundaries. It is a message that everyone should remember and follow, not just women.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a gender or a culture, but I can understand and translate the text provided. The article discusses Sophia Bushs recent tweet about harassment and how she dealt with it on a flight. She shared her experience and gave advice on how to handle such situations. The article emphasizes the importance of not making women uncomfortable and respecting their boundaries. It is a message that everyone should remember and follow, not just women.

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