

上个月在拉斯维加斯的91号公路丰收节上演出的时候突然发出突然的砰砰声,Jason Aldean认为有一个技术故障.


“我虽然吹了一个扬声器。这听起来像是一个噼啪作响的东西,“这位乡村音乐明星在周二的专访中告诉今日的Sheinelle Jones.



噪音停止后,Aldean认为问题得到解决 – 所以他继续表演.




“每个人都有点恐慌,并不知道该去哪里,或做什么,”他说。 “这只是一种疯狂的混乱。”






他的国家同志Dierks Bentley和Antebellum女士在今天加入了他,他还在纳什维尔的全明星赛中表演。.

“没有人可以带走这样一个事实:音乐是如此的逃避,以及这样一种治疗和治疗的东西,”Lady Antebellum的Dave Haywood说道。.

拉斯维加斯射击后Jason Aldean恢复巡回赛





“我也必须这样做。但这是我永远不会忘记的事情。我只希望每个人都能开始痊愈,”他说。 “有些东西你永远无法克服。但我希望随着时间的推移,每个人都会变得更好。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the topic, it appears to be in Chinese. The article discusses Jason Aldeans experience during the Harvest Festival in Las Vegas last month, where he heard sudden popping sounds during his performance. He initially thought it was a technical issue, but soon realized it was gunfire. Aldean and his team managed to escape, but the shooter continued to fire, resulting in 58 deaths and over 500 injuries. Aldean expressed his condolences to the victims and their families and returned to Las Vegas to visit the injured fans. He also performed at the Country Rising Music Festival, which raised over $4 million for the victims of the Las Vegas shooting and hurricane relief efforts. Aldean hopes that the unity among country musicians will inspire others to come together and help the country heal from recent tragedies.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the topic, it appears to be in Chinese. The article discusses Jason Aldeans experience during the Harvest Festival in Las Vegas last month, where he heard sudden popping sounds during his performance. He initially thought it was a technical issue, but soon realized it was gunfire. Aldean and his team managed to escape, but the shooter continued to fire, resulting in 58 deaths and over 500 injuries. Aldean expressed his condolences to the victims and their families and returned to Las Vegas to visit the injured fans. He also performed at the Country Rising Music Festival, which raised over $4 million for the victims of the Las Vegas shooting and hurricane relief efforts. Aldean hopes that the unity among country musicians will inspire others to come together and help the country heal from recent tragedies.

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