

在电视上,他是“星际迷航:下一代”中几乎不可动摇的让 – 吕克皮卡德上尉。但是,帕特里克斯图尔特是在一个贫穷的家庭中长大的,有一个虐待父亲的父亲,这种经历让他为了这样的事业而努力工作,一旦他成名就能让自己听到.


来自Lemon Sweetie的博客Heather Skye感谢斯图尔特在大赦国际关于家庭暴力的活动中所做的演讲,并表示她已经参加了类似的活动并赞赏他的演讲,并向他询问他的非演技工作。最引以为傲的.

事情变得个人化了。斯图尔特之前曾谈到过他父亲的虐待,他在20世纪40年代的英格兰引用了他自己的童年。 “我在关于暴力侵害妇女行为的运动中所做的工作,特别是家庭暴力,源于我自己的童年经历,”他说.


斯图尔特说,他的父亲,一名二战老兵,后来被称为遭受严重的炮击,但今天将被诊断出患有创伤后应激障碍。他与退伍军人的心理健康慈善机构Combat Stress以及家庭暴力避难所Refuge合作,说他是因为他的父母双方都这样做.

“作为一个孩子,我在家里听到医生和救护车的男人说,’斯图尔特夫人,你一定是做了些事来挑衅他’,”斯图尔特对斯凯和人群说道。 “斯图尔特太太,要争辩才需要两个人。”错了!错了!我的母亲没有做任何事情来挑起这一点,即使她有,暴力永远不是一个男人应该做出的选择。永远!“


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the personal experiences of actor Patrick Stewart, who grew up in a poor family with an abusive father. Despite his difficult upbringing, he worked hard to achieve success in his acting career. The article also highlights Stewarts advocacy work against domestic violence, which is rooted in his own childhood experiences. The author of the article, Heather Skye, expresses her gratitude towards Stewart for his speech on domestic violence at a charity event and asks him about his non-acting work. The article ends with a heartwarming moment where Stewart embraces a fan who had also experienced domestic violence.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the personal experiences of actor Patrick Stewart, who grew up in a poor family with an abusive father. Despite his difficult upbringing, he worked hard to achieve success in his acting career. The article also highlights Stewarts advocacy work against domestic violence, which is rooted in his own childhood experiences. The author of the article, Heather Skye, expresses her gratitude towards Stewart for his speech on domestic violence at a charity event and asks him about his non-acting work. The article ends with a heartwarming moment where Stewart embraces a fan who had also experienced domestic violence.

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