Mayim Bialik在反映失败的博客文章中哀悼她父亲的去世

Mayim Bialik在反映失败的博客文章中哀悼她父亲的去世

Mayim Bialik周二透露,她最近几周一直保持低调,因为她哀悼她父亲去世.

她在博客Kveller的一篇精彩帖子中透露,“大爆炸理论”明星的父亲Barry Bialik本月早些时候在临终关怀护理中度过了两个月后去世。这位39岁的女演员说她的家人“知道它即将到来”,但这并没有让这种损失变得更加痛苦.



“对于那些失去父母的人,你知道我的感受,”她写道。 “你告诉我你做的。对于你那些失去了别人的人,你也告诉我你知道我的感受。但你没有。因为你不是我失去了我的阿巴。”





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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into different languages. Heres a translation of the text into English:

    Mayim Bialik revealed on Tuesday that she has been keeping a low profile in recent weeks as she mourns the death of her father. In a poignant post on her blog Kveller, the star of “The Big Bang Theory” revealed that her father Barry Bialik passed away earlier this month after spending two months in hospice care. The 39-year-old actress said her family “knew it was coming,” but that didnt make the loss any less painful. “I dont know what Im ready to share. I dont know if Im ready to share,” she wrote. Although she has received sympathy from others who have mourned the loss of their parents, she emphasized that her grief is also unique. “For those of you who have lost parents, you know my feeling,” she wrote. “You tell me what you did. For those of you who have lost others, you also tell me you know my feeling. But you dont. Because youre not me losing my Abba.” She thanked fans for reaching out, writing, “I appreciate your condolences, care, and love, but I am alone in my singularity of loss.” Bialik added that she copes with “praying a lot. Remembering a lot. Crying. And laughing too.” The former “Blossom” star also shared a sweet throwback photo with her father on Instagram. Read her touching words here.

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