

詹妮弗·劳伦斯最近纪念她对水的热爱,这是一种无法被冲走的致敬 – 无论她现在愿意做多少.

H 2呃哦:詹妮弗劳伦斯警察她的纹身失败了


与“饥饿游戏”联盟主演的Liam Hemsworth一起度过时光,这位永远和蔼可亲的女演员决定上墨.

詹妮弗 Lawrence
“饥饿游戏:Mockingjay – 第2部分”的女演员Jennifer Lawrence将于2015年7月9日在加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥举行的2015年Comic-Con International期间在Hilton Bayfront参加Lionsgate新闻发布会.杰森梅里特/盖蒂图片社



詹妮弗 Lawrence
詹妮弗劳伦斯的“H2O”纹身.HitFix / YouTube

但水的化学配方的简写并没有纹身 – 而且,是的,她知道这一点.

“顺便说一下,我知道两者都很高,而且在H2O中,两者应该是低的,”她解释道。 “在我把它纹在我的身体上之前,我应该用Google搜索它。”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    Jennifer Lawrence recently commemorated her love for water, which is an homage that cannot be washed away – no matter how much she is willing to do now. In addition, she got a tattoo with the chemical formula for water, H2O, on her right hand. Although she admitted that she should have googled it before getting it inked, she now uses it as a reminder to stay hydrated and plan ahead.

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