Ellen DeGeneres感谢奥巴马在情感致敬中改变我的生活

Ellen DeGeneres感谢奥巴马在情感致敬中改变我的生活



“这是巴拉克奥巴马将成为我们总统的最后一天。我要感谢他改变我的生活,”这位58岁的喜剧演员说。 “因为他,我是一个合法的已婚女人,我的妻子(女演员Portia de Rossi)也是如此。”

“他的勇气和同情心为每个人创造了平等,”DeGeneres继续道。 “他让我们前进,并在过去的八年中取得了比我梦想的更多。”


有关: 从艾伦到老板:自由勋章颁奖典礼的5个最佳时刻


图片: Michelle Obama and Ellen DeGeneres
在2012年的一场“The Ellen DeGeneres Show”中,主持人向第一夫人Michelle Obama挑战了一场俯卧撑比赛 – 并且输了.迈克尔罗兹曼/华纳兄弟.

乐观的蒙太奇包括特殊的时刻,发现DeGeneres与55岁的POTUS和53岁的FLOTUS一起跳舞,在他们着名的俯卧撑比赛中与第一夫人竞争 – 并且失败 – 让奥巴马展示他们自己的诙谐感官幽默.



Ellen DeGeneres赢得了创纪录的第20届人民选择奖


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Now, this is a goodbye! On Thursday, in the last talk show held at the White House, Ellen DeGeneres paid tribute to President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. “This is Barack Obamas last day as our president. I want to thank him for changing my life,” said the 58-year-old comedian. “Because of him, I am a legally married woman, and my wife (actress Portia de Rossi) is too.” “His courage and compassion created equality for everyone,” DeGeneres continued. “He moved us forward and achieved more than I ever dreamed in the past eight years.” “I love him, I love Michelle,” the host rambled on. The 44th president and his wife were frequent guests of DeGeneres during her eight years working at the White House, and DeGeneres was happy to share their fun together on air. In a 2012 episode of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” the host challenged First Lady Michelle Obama to a push-up contest – and lost. Optimistic montages include special moments, finding DeGeneres dancing with 55-year-old POTUS and 53-year-old FLOTUS, competing with the First Lady in their famous push-up contest – and failing – allowing Obama to show off their own sense of humor. The video also includes footage of the White House ceremony where the president awarded a tearful DeGeneres the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Watch the full video now! Ellen DeGeneres wins record-breaking 20th Peoples Choice Award Jan.19.2017 01:15 Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on LinkedInShare on Pinterest”

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