بيل كوسبي يعلن عن الفائز في بطولة Cosby Sweater

بيل كوسبي يعلن عن الفائز في بطولة Cosby Sweater

تحدثت جماهير “Cosby Show” ، وكشفت خيوطهم المفضلة Cliff Huxtable الاثنين خلال صباح حار ، بعيد عن سترة الطقس.

تصميم يبرز ثلاثة عدائين على مضمار – كل منهم يرتدون قمم للدبابات والشورتات الرياضية – يزين الفائز في رقبته في بطولة Cosby Sweater.

التصميم الفائز من Cosse Sweater Tournament ، والذي سمح للمعجبين باختيار إحدى المفضلات بين الكنزات الرمزية التي يرتديها بيل كوسبي.اليوم

ظهر بيل كوسبي على TODAY للإعلان ، بالإضافة إلى توبيخ لـ Willie Geist من TODAY ، والذي ظل يخطئ في الإشارة إلى المسابقة كصوت لستار “أبشع”.

“لم يصوتوا لصالح” قبيح “ويلي”. إنها ليست مثل مسابقة الطفل “، قال الكوميدي الأسطوري. “كانت سترة أن الناس أحبوا الأفضل.”

أصبحت الحياكة التي ارتدها كوسبي على المسلسل التلفزيوني الشهير معروفة بتنوعها ، وفي بعض الأحيان ، إحساس الموضة المشكوك فيه.

في وقت سابق من هذا الشهر ، أطلق Cosby استطلاعًا شبيهًا بجنون مارس على موقعه على الويب لطلب التعليقات من المعجبين على سترةهم المفضلة من العرض الذي استمر من 1984 إلى 1992..

تنافست سترة الفوز ضد 31 من الثياب الأخرى وظهرت من قسم “The Argyles”. الفئات الأخرى كانت “The Cardigans” و “The Pullovers” و “The Cashmeres”.

ممثلة Phylicia Rashad presents a special gift to her former co-star, Bill Cosby.
تقدم الممثلة فيليشيا رشاد هدية خاصة إلى مساعدها السابق ، بيل كوسبي.اليوم

للاحتفال بهذه المناسبة ، جنبا إلى جنب مع عيد ميلاد 76th كوسبي يوم الجمعة الماضي ، وكان المراسي TODAY هدية لكوسبي. قدمت هذه الحفل ضيفة مفاجئة ، الممثلة فيليسيا رشاد ، التي لعبت دور زوجة كوسبي على الشاشة ، كلير. سلم رشاد كوسبي الحاضر بينما كان يهنئه بصوت خافت.

“استيقظوا عليك؟” أجاب كوسبي .

كانت الهدية عبارة عن سترة أخرى لـ Cosby لإضافتها إلى مجموعته ، واحدة مع شعار TODAY.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Fans of “The Cosby Show” spoke out and revealed their favorite threads on Monday morning, despite the hot weather. The design features three runners on a track – each wearing tank tops and athletic shorts – with the winner sporting the Cosby Sweater Championship around their neck. The winning design from the Cosby Sweater Tournament, which allowed fans to choose one of their favorite iconic sweaters worn by Bill Cosby. Today, Bill Cosby appeared on TODAY to announce the winner, as well as scold Willie Geist from TODAY, who mistakenly referred to the competition as “ugliest sweater.” “They didnt vote for ugly Willie. Its not like a baby contest,” said the legendary comedian. “It was the sweater that people loved the most.” The knitting worn by Cosby on the popular TV show became known for its diversity and sometimes questionable fashion sense. Earlier this month, Cosby launched a similar March Madness-style poll on his website to solicit feedback from fans on their favorite sweater from the show, which ran from 1984 to 1992. The winning sweater competed against 31 other garments and emerged from the “The Argyles” category. Other categories included “The Cardigans,” “The Pullovers,” and “The Cashmeres.” Actress Phylicia Rashad presented a special gift to her former co-star, Bill Cosby, today to celebrate this occasion, alongside Cosbys 76th birthday last Friday, and the TODAY show had a gift for Cosby. This celebration featured a surprise guest, actress Phylicia Rashad, who played Cosbys wife on screen, Claire. Rashad handed Cosby the present as he congratulated him in a soft voice. “Did you wake up?” Cosby replied. The gift was another sweater for Cosby to add to his collection, one with the TODAY logo.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Fans of “The Cosby Show” spoke out and revealed their favorite threads on Monday morning, despite the hot weather. The design features three runners on a track – each wearing tank tops and athletic shorts – with the winner sporting the Cosby Sweater Championship around their neck. The winning design from the Cosby Sweater Tournament, which allowed fans to choose one of their favorite iconic sweaters worn by Bill Cosby. Today, Bill Cosby appeared on TODAY to announce the winner, as well as scold Willie Geist from TODAY, who mistakenly referred to the competition as “ugliest sweater.” “They didnt vote for ugly Willie. Its not like a baby contest,” said the legendary comedian. “It was the sweater that people loved the most.” The knitting worn by Cosby on the popular TV show became known for its diversity and sometimes questionable fashion sense. Earlier this month, Cosby launched a similar March Madness-style poll on his website to solicit feedback from fans on their favorite sweater from the show, which ran from 1984 to 1992. The winning sweater competed against 31 other garments and emerged from the “The Argyles” category. Other categories included “The Cardigans,” “The Pullovers,” and “The Cashmeres.” Actress Phylicia Rashad presented a special gift to her former co-star, Bill Cosby, today to celebrate this occasion, alongside Cosbys 76th birthday last Friday, and the TODAY show had a gift for Cosby. This celebration featured a surprise guest, actress Phylicia Rashad, who played Cosbys wife on screen, Claire. Rashad handed Cosby the present as he congratulated him in a soft voice. “Did you wake up?” Cosby replied. The gift was another sweater for Cosby to add to his collection, one with the TODAY logo.

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