


当我们在即将到来的NBC特别导演詹姆斯·伯罗斯(James Burrows)的演员身上露面时,我们回顾今天对心爱的情景喜剧的六位明星的采访:1994年.



“该节目约有六个人住在大苹果公司,”大卫施维默告诉凯蒂库瑞克时,他被要求解释其前提。 “他们每个人都有不同的职业和爱好,并且处于他们生活的那个阶段,他们不再依赖父母来保持经济稳定,而且还没有与丈夫,妻子或孩子一起定居。”


朋友 – “肮脏女孩的第一集”第6集 – 图为:(lr)David Schwimmer饰演Ross Geller,Jennifer Aniston担任Rachel Greene,Lisa Kudrow担任Phoebe Buffay,Courteney Cox担任Monica Geller,Matt LeBlanc担任Joey Tribbiani – – 摄影:Gary Null / NBCU Photo Bank
Gary Null / NBCU Photo Bank





考克斯说,“这意味着我们都没有漫无目的,我们只是闲逛听音乐和观看’The Brady Bunch’。”

FRIENDS,David Schwimmer,Courteney Cox,Jennifer Aniston,Matthew Perry,Matt LeBlanc,Lisa Kudrow,1994年至今。第二季,95/96.©NBC / Courtesy Everett Collection

许多观众已经知道Kudrow扮演着疯狂的女服务员Ursula在“Mad About You”中扮演的角色,但解释说Phoebe – Ursula的双胞胎妹妹在两场演出之间的交叉中 – 以一种不同的方式变得笨拙。

相关:’朋友’在James Burrows的经典画面中遇到’大爆炸理论’

“我想,Phoebe非常认真听取每个人的意见。只是她的反应并没有通过它对其他人的回路,”Kudrow说,并补充说Ursula“甚至根本不听 – 她没有”甚至打扰。“

朋友,铸造直列005 - 今天 - 160210
朋友,(返回,到r):Matt LeBlanc,Lisa Kudrow,David Schwimmer,Matthew Perry,(前,下):Courteney Cox,Jennifer Aniston,(第1季),1994-2004,©Warner Bros。/礼貌:埃弗雷特收藏©Warner Bros / Courtesy Everett Collection

Matt LeBlanc说,这个系列的成功对年轻演员来说“相当惊人”.

“我认为我们真的很吃惊,因为对我们来说,看起来我们就像是一个剧团,”他说。 “我们相处得很好,这只是一个非常富有成效的环境。”


“必看电视:向詹姆斯·伯罗斯致敬”将于2月21日星期日晚上9点在NBC播出。 ET.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Its hard to believe that “Friends” has been serving us for over 20 years. As we prepare to see the cast in the upcoming NBC special directed by James Burrows, we look back at interviews with the six beloved stars of the sitcom in 1994. David Schwimmer explained the premise of the show to Katie Couric, saying that “about six people live in the big apple, each with different professions and hobbies, and theyre at that stage in their lives where theyre no longer relying on parents for financial stability, but they havent settled down with a spouse, husband, or child yet.” Jennifer Aniston credited the groups friendship for making “Friends” work, saying “we communicate really well. We had a great time during rehearsals. The whole ensemble made it more exciting.” Despite the shows popularity in its 20s, no one liked the term “X generation.” Courteney Cox said, “It meant we were all aimless, just wandering around listening to music and watching The Brady Bunch.” The cast was surprised by the success of the series, with Matt LeBlanc saying, “I think we were really surprised because to us, we just looked like a theater company. We got along really well, it was just a very productive environment.” The NBC special “Must See TV: An All-Star Tribute to James Burrows” will air on February 21st at 9 p.m. ET.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Its hard to believe that “Friends” has been serving us for over 20 years. As we prepare to see the cast in the upcoming NBC special directed by James Burrows, we look back at interviews with the six beloved stars of the sitcom in 1994. David Schwimmer explained the premise of the show to Katie Couric, saying that “about six people live in the big apple, each with different professions and hobbies, and at that stage in their lives where theyre no longer relying on parents for financial stability, but havent settled down with a spouse, husband, or child yet.” Jennifer Aniston credited the groups friendship for making “Friends” work, saying “we communicate really well. We had a great time during rehearsals. The whole ensemble made it more exciting.” The success of the series was surprising to the young actors, as Matt LeBlanc noted, “I think we were really surprised because to us, we just looked like a theater company. We got along really well, and it was just a very productive environment.” The tribute to James Burrows will air on NBC on February 21st.

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