Steve Irwin的家人去世11年后回归动物星球

Steve Irwin的家人去世11年后回归动物星球

毫无疑问:动物是欧文家族企业。这就是为什么我们很高兴得知Terri,Bindi和Robert Irwin在家族族长史蒂夫惨死后11年回归为动物星球创作表演和项目.

根据新闻稿,艾薇斯将成为拥有动物星球的Discovery Communications的全球大使。在频道上,他们将开发和制作电视项目.

这个 image released by Animal Planet shows the Irwin family, from left, Robert, Terri and Bindi. The Irwin family is returning to television's Animal Planet, 11 years after the death of
Robert,Terri和Bindi将他们独特的知识和热情带回了Animal Planet.美联社




宾迪和罗伯特基本上是靠相机长大的; 2004年,史蒂夫抱着他1个月大的儿子罗伯特给鳄鱼喂鸡胴体,这是一个有争议的事件,导致澳大利亚改变其鳄鱼处理法.

欧文的全部内容最终包括“Croc Files”和“New Breed Vets”等节目,但2006年史蒂夫在拍摄纪录片“海洋最致命的”时被黄貂鱼倒死时,一切都停止了。




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be in Chinese. The article discusses the return of the Irwin family, including Terri, Bindi, and Robert, to Animal Planet after the tragic death of Steve Irwin. The family has a passion for animals and will be creating new shows and projects for the channel. The article also mentions the familys history with crocodiles and their previous shows, such as “Crocodile Hunter.” The Irwin siblings have grown up with cameras and have continued their fathers legacy in wildlife conservation and education. Overall, the article highlights the familys dedication to animals and their excitement to return to Animal Planet.

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