

他仍然只是坐在国会山上的一项法案,但凯南汤普森最近采用了经典的“校舍摇滚”! “周六夜现场”中的角色比原来的“香椿”中的“那张悲伤的小纸片”要困难得多.


就像移民法案有一天会在总统办公桌上唱起一个酒吧一样,总司令(Jay Pharoah饰演)偷偷溜到他身后,把他推到了国会山的台阶上.

毕竟,总统不得不为他的移民相关朋友,行政命令(Bobby Moynihan)腾出空间.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be written in Mandarin Chinese. The text discusses the recent actions of a politician named Keenan Thompson, who has taken on a classic “schoolhouse rock” style to promote a bill in Congress. The article also mentions the difficulties of promoting bills in Congress and the challenges faced by those who support them. Overall, the text seems to be discussing the political process and the challenges faced by those who work within it.

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