这就是为什么Shania Twain在“不要给我留下深刻印象”中贬低布拉德皮特的原因

这就是为什么Shania Twain在“不要给我留下深刻印象”中贬低布拉德皮特的原因

布拉德皮特是令人印象深刻的标本! Shania Twain是一位超级令人印象深刻的歌手!

因此,当她们在1998年的热门歌曲“那不要给我留下深刻印象”中走到一起时,你会认为这一切都令人印象深刻 一起 不知何故.

仙妮亚 Twain and Brad Pitt
Shania Twain和Brad Pitt,在他没有给她留下深刻印象的日子里回来.Youtube / Getty Images



事实证明,没有什么。 51岁的吐温向Billboard杂志解释说,他的名字只是一个方便的名字,因为他当时处于头条新闻.

“我记得我有一个女朋友来看我,这是在圣诞节附近,我们正在烘烤饼干,”她说。 “我正在写这张专辑,并且有一个(皮特)和格温妮丝(帕特洛)的丑闻,那里有裸照。”




观看Shania Twain演唱的歌曲“那不要让我印象深刻”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic, it seems to be in Chinese. The article talks about how Brad Pitt and Shania Twain were mentioned in the popular song “That Dont Impress Me Much” in 1998. Shania Twain clarified that Brad Pitts name was just a convenient name to use at the time, and it was not because he had done anything particularly impressive. The article also mentions how the song was inspired by a scandal involving Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrows nude photos. Overall, the article provides some interesting insights into the background of the song and the context in which it was written.

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