塞缪尔·杰克逊(Samuel L. Jackson)在父亲节那天免费阅读“走向F – 睡觉”

塞缪尔·杰克逊(Samuel L. Jackson)在父亲节那天免费阅读“走向F – 睡觉”

这是一个免费的父亲节礼物,父母发誓:Samuel L. Jackson正在阅读模拟儿童书“Go the F — to Sleep”,这是通过Audible.com免费下载的。.

教授兼作家亚当·曼斯巴赫(Adam Mansbach)出版的这本书在2011年出现之后成为纽约时报的畅销书,因为沮丧的父亲无法说服女儿维维恩入睡。演员杰克逊以其在“低俗小说”等电影中的多产亵渎而闻名,这本书很自然地记录了这本书的六分钟音频版本.



在毫不费力地切换到硬汉之前,Jules Winnfield式的交付方式如下:

“天啊,不,你不能去洗手间!你知道你可以去哪里吗?f —要睡觉!”


杰克逊在一份声明中说:“我记得所有那些时候,当我读到我女儿那个年纪的时候,所有人都会告诉你读故事会让孩子们睡觉,但它永远不会奏效。这在我家里没有。” “我确实说’去f – 睡觉’给她很多,而且我觉得在我进入她的房间时她会看着我,她会说,’去f —睡觉,爸爸?“我会说,’是的,去f —睡觉。’“


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    This is a free Fathers Day gift, parents swear: Samuel L. Jackson is reading the simulated childrens book “Go the F — to Sleep,” which is available for free download through Audible.com. The book, published by Professor and writer Adam Mansbach in 2011, became a New York Times bestseller because frustrated fathers couldnt convince their daughter Vivienne to fall asleep. Actor Jackson, known for his prolific profanity in films like “Pulp Fiction,” naturally recorded the six-minute audio version of the book. Jackson accepted the task like a champion, delivering a gentle storybook purr to provide the following boundaries: “All the kids from daycare are in dreamland. The froggie has made his last leap.” Before effortlessly switching to hard-hitting Jules Winnfield-style delivery: “Oh, hell no, you cant go to the bathroom! You know where you can go? The f— to sleep!” Jacksons only child, daughter Zoe, was born in 1982, but he can still relate to the emotions in the book. In a statement, Jackson said, “I remember all those times when I read to my daughter at that age and everybody tells you reading stories will put kids to sleep, but it never works. It didnt in my house.” “I did say go the f— to sleep to her a lot, and I think at some point she would look at me when I would come into her room, and she would say, Go the f— to sleep, Daddy? And I would say, Yeah, go the f— to sleep.” It is available for free download on Audible.com on June 15th, Fathers Day. Follow Gael Fashingbauer Cooper+ on Google.

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