Ryan O’Neal:Farrah Fawcett允许我与TODAY交谈

Ryan O’Neal:Farrah Fawcett允许我与TODAY交谈

Farrah Fawcett可能已经在2009年去世,但对于她长期不和的合作伙伴Ryan O’Neal来说,她仍然在场。当他通过卫星加入今天,讨论他最近在合法获得已故女演员Andy Warhol丝网印刷方面的成功时,他说,“我今天早上和她谈过关于做演出的事。她说我能做到。”


“我的儿子帕特里克从法院叫我,”他回忆说。 “他给我发了短信。我正躺在一张手术台上。脸上流着鲜血,然后泪水从我脸上流下来,与血液混合在一起。对我来说这是一个非常神奇的时刻。”



在审判期间,奥尼尔作证说他谈到了他的爱情画像。 “这些年来似乎已经发展起来,”他告诉TODAY说这件珍贵的艺术品。 “我在家里养了18年,这幅画。”

“我知道她会说,’为我而战!为这幅画而战!’她会告诉我,“奥尼尔告诉今天的审判,这次审判在与女演员的关系中疏乱了困难时期。 “雷德蒙德和我讨论过,他说,’让我们去吧。’所以我们让马丁在这里寻求帮助,因为看起来这将是一个艰难的案例,事实证明事实并非如此。“

雷德蒙德奥尼尔是已故女演员和演员的28岁儿子; Patrick O’Neal的母亲是女演员Leigh Taylor-Young.


“它永远不会被出售,”他说。 “这将继续给她的儿子雷德蒙德及其子女和他的孩子们……这对我们来说总是无价之宝。她是一个很棒的女人,这就是剩下的。这就是剩下的一切。”



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the ongoing legal battle between Ryan ONeal and the University of Texas over the ownership of an Andy Warhol portrait of Farrah Fawcett. Despite Fawcetts death in 2009, ONeal claims that she still supports him and his legal efforts. The article also mentions ONeals emotional testimony during the trial and his promise to never sell the portrait.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the ongoing legal battle between Ryan ONeal and the University of Texas over the ownership of an Andy Warhol portrait of Farrah Fawcett. Despite Fawcetts death in 2009, ONeal claims that she still supports him and his legal efforts. The article also mentions ONeals emotional testimony during the trial and his promise to never sell the portrait.

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