Ryan Gosling在与Russell Crowe的新视频中翻过’Hey Girl’模因

Ryan Gosling在与Russell Crowe的新视频中翻过’Hey Girl’模因

嘿女孩,公平警告:你的梦想中超级敏感的男人Ryan Gosling否认曾经说过“嘿女孩”。

罗素 Crowe calls out Ryan Gosling and the
拉塞尔克罗不赞赏这种联想.BuzzFeed名人/ Facebook

这一启示发生在BuzzFeed的“情侣疗法”视频中,其中包括Gosling和他的“The Nice Guys”联合主演Russell Crowe,其中“角斗士”演员不仅仅用短语来对待Gosling,而且还有所有商品推销。多年来产生的.

更多:Ryan Gosling无法在“周六夜现场”中保持直面


罗素 Crowe calls out Ryan Gosling and the
你可能想要的所有“嘿女孩”商品.BuzzFeed名人/ Facebook




“这是你的生活选择导致了这个 – ”,克劳说.

但我们已经哭了,也许比我们看到“笔记本”时更难。戈斯林怎么能把这个从他的粉丝那里拿走?这是真的重要,是的,他从来没有说过吗?它是 米姆. 模因很重要.

更多:我们最喜欢的5个’嘿女孩’Ryan Gosling模因


在Twitter上关注Randee Dawn.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the controversy surrounding Ryan Goslings alleged use of the phrase “Hey girl” and how he denies ever saying it. The article also mentions the popularity of the “Hey girl” meme and merchandise featuring Goslings face and the phrase. The article is written in Chinese.

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