‘令人心碎’:Rory Feek分享了看着已故妈妈唱歌的女儿的照片

‘令人心碎’:Rory Feek分享了看着已故妈妈唱歌的女儿的照片

一年前,Rory Feek失去了他的妻子和音乐伴侣Joey Feek去癌症,但这位乡村明星竭尽全力让他们的女儿印第安纳保持活力,3.



罗里 Feek's tribute to his daughter, Indiana, who was born with Down syndrome
乡村明星Joey Feek控股女儿,印第安纳州.Joey + Rory / YouTube

罗里本月早些时候透露,他和他已故的妻子,作为国家二人组Joey + Rory的得分,希望与他们的小女孩分享音乐的天赋。.


罗里 Feek and his daughter Indy.
Rory Feek在她的3岁生日时用钢琴向他的女儿Indy展示.由ThisLifeILive.com提供

“首先,Joey和我希望Indy能够成长出喜爱的音乐并学习演奏乐器,”他在家庭博客上解释道。 “谁知道,也许有一天会在这架钢琴上写下自己的歌曲,或者至少玩得开心,试着学习它。”

第48 Annual Academy Of Country Music Awards - Red Carpet
Joey和Rory Feek在2013年.Rick Diamond / ACMA2013 / Getty Images for ACM


有关: Rory Feek记得已故妻子Joey在她去世1周年之际

“我不知道我的感受(在她去世后),但我到处都感觉到她,”他解释道。 “我感受到她做出的选择,我感受到了她的力量以及她对我和我们家人的爱。”

Rory Feek:上帝改变了我的生活,Joey是其中很重要的一部分


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the topic, it seems to be in Simplified Chinese. The topic discusses the story of Rory Feek, a country star who lost his wife and music partner Joey Feek to cancer a year ago. Despite the loss, Rory is doing his best to keep their daughter Indiana lively and hopes to share Joeys musical talent with her. Recently, he shared a heartbreaking photo on Facebook of Indy watching her mother sing on stage. Rory gave Indy a piano on her 3rd birthday, hoping that she will grow to love music and learn to play an instrument. Rory also revealed in a recent interview that Joey still exists in his life and he feels her love and strength.

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