Richard Dreyfuss揭示了双极诊断’夺走了我所有人 有罪’

Richard Dreyfuss揭示了双极诊断’夺走了我所有人 有罪’


“我不知道这是一个狂躁的状态,”他在周二早上访问今天时解释道。 “我只是觉得我真的很开心,一切都很糟糕,我转向了好。”




“它消除了我的所有内疚,因为我发现这不是我的行为 – 这是我与生俱来的东西,”Dreyfuss解释他的双极诊断。 “我没有感到羞耻或内疚。这就像是你5英尺6英尺或者别的什么感到羞耻。这只是我的一部分。”


“耻辱是愚蠢的;耻辱是愚蠢的;耻辱是其他人对你的看法,”他说。 “首先,我不知道任何人是正常的。每个人都有一些东西,我来自好莱坞,所以没有人甚至认为这一点。’耻辱’是一个应该被踢掉的词 – ‘羞耻’和’内疚’ – 因为这是一个条件。“

现在这位演员 – 最着名的大屏幕大片“大白鲨”,“第三类亲密接触”和“荷兰先生的作品” – 正在与希望抑郁症研究基金会合作,并大声疾呼,帮助那些想要帮助的人.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Actor Richard Dreyfuss has been struggling with bipolar disorder since he was young, but for many years, he didnt know what was behind the passion that filled most of his life. “I didnt know it was a manic state,” he explained in an interview with Today on Tuesday morning. “I just felt really happy, everything was terrible, and I turned to good.” But for him, it seemed that sometimes good-looking people looked strange. “Every once in a while, when Im talking, Ill find myself standing up and talking louder and faster and faster until my friends say, Okay, okay. Lets look at the circus cables and throw them around his ankles and gently pull him back to earth,” Dreyfuss recalled. The star realized that these actions were beyond his control, and eventually, he understood everything behind it. “It eliminated all my guilt because I found out that this is not my behavior – its something I was born with,” Dreyfuss explained his bipolar diagnosis. “I dont feel ashamed or guilty. Its like feeling ashamed of being 5 feet 6 inches or something else. Its just a part of me.” However, other people with bipolar disorder often feel ashamed, which is why Dreyfuss, who first spoke publicly about his diagnosis in the 2006 documentary “The Secret Life of Manic Depression,” hopes it will become a thing of the past. “Shame is stupid; shame is stupid; shame is what other people think of you,” he said. “First of all, I dont know anyone whos normal. Everyone has something, and I come from Hollywood, so no one even thinks about it. Shame is a word that should be kicked out – shame and guilt – because its a condition.” Now the actor – best known for his big-screen hits “Jaws,” “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” and “Mr. Hollands Opus” – is working with the Hope Depression Research Foundation and speaking out to help those who want to help. “Personally, Im not in a hurry to get rid of my condition, but most people are,” he said.

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