

Bob Guccione创立了Penthouse杂志并创建了一个色情企业帝国,只是因为他的投资恶化以及色情世界转向视频和互联网而于周三去世。他79岁.

Guccione家族发表声明称,他在德克萨斯州普莱诺的普莱诺专科医院去世。他的妻子April Dawn Warren Guccione说他曾与肺癌作斗争多年.

阁楼于1984年9月达到顶峰,当时它出版了第一位黑人美国小姐Vanessa Williams的裸照。威廉姆斯现在是一名歌手和演员,在该问题发布后被迫放弃了自己的王冠,该问题已售出近600万份,据报道已售出1400万美元.

作为一名曾经参加天主教神学院的沮丧艺术家,Guccione于1965年在英格兰创办了Penthouse,以资助他的艺术生涯,并成为该杂志的第一位摄影师。 1969年,在女权主义运动和性革命的高峰时期,他向美国公众介绍了这本杂志.

Penthouse通过提供混合的小报新闻与裸体女性的挑衅性照片,迅速对Hugh Hefner的“花花公子”提出挑战,被称为Penthouse Pets.


“看到她就好像她不知道她被人看到了,”他说。 “那是性感的一部分。这是我们竞争对手都不了解的部分。”


Guccione在General Media Inc.旗下建立了一个企业帝国,其中包括图书出版和商品推销部门以及Viva,这是一本针对女性观众的男性裸体杂志。他还创建了Penthouse Forum,这是一本口袋大小的杂志,它以编辑的成功信件为开端,“Dear Penthouse,我从没想过我会写你……”

Guccione和长期的商业合作者Kathy Keeton,后来成为他的第三任妻子,也发表了更多的主流票价,例如专注于科学和科幻小说的Omni杂志,以及健康建议杂志Longevity。 Keeton在手术后于1997年因癌症去世,但Guccione继续将她列入Penthouse标头作为总统.


可能他最着名的商业失败是在1979年制作的X级电影“Caligula”中投资1750万美元。马尔科姆·麦克道尔(Malcolm McDowell)被评为冠军的颓废皇帝,其支持演员包括海伦·米伦(Helen Mirren),约翰·吉尔古德(John Gielgud)和彼得·奥图尔(Peter O’Toole).



法律费用进一步削弱了他的财富。起诉的是电视传播者杰里·法尔威尔(Jerry Falwell),一位加利福尼亚度假胜地,一位前选美皇后和一间阁楼宠物,指责Guccione强迫她为商界同事提供性服务。.


第二年,美国司法部长Edwin Meese的色情委员会发布了一份攻击成人娱乐业的报告。 Guccione称该报道“不光彩”,并怀疑它会产生什么影响,但报摊和便利店的回应是将Penthouse从他们的杂志架中拉出来.



2003年,General Media Inc.申请破产。佛罗里达州的私募股权投资者于次年以破产方式收购了Penthouse.

阁楼及相关物业现由FriendFinder Networks Inc.所有,这是一家位于佛罗里达州Boca Raton的公司,提供社交网络和在线成人娱乐,其中包括一些Penthouse品牌.




“他是一大堆矛盾,产生了激烈的忠诚和同样激烈的蔑视,”Patricia Bosworth在2005年的“名利场”关于Guccione的文章中写道,她曾担任过Viva的执行编辑。.

“他雇佣并解雇了他们 – 然后重新雇用了他们。他可以在一分钟内保持温暖和滑稽,然后冷静下来。”

Guccione的管理风格甚至引发了与他自己的儿子Bob Guccione Jr.的分歧。1985年,出版商帮助他的儿子推出了音乐杂志Spin,Bob Jr.担任编辑和出版人。两年后,两人在杂志的指导下发生冲突,老年人Guccione决定将其关闭,迫使他的儿子获得外部资金.

作为出版商的成功使得Guccione能够收集令人印象深刻的艺术收藏品,其中包括El Greco,Modigliani,Dali,Degas,Matisse和Picasso的画作。这些作品装饰在他位于纽约市的30个房间,22,000平方英尺的豪宅中.



结婚四次,Guccione从他的第一次婚姻生了一个女儿Toni和两个儿子,Bob Jr.和Nick,还有一个女儿Nina来自他的第二次婚姻.


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  1. Bob Guccione, the founder of Penthouse magazine and creator of a pornographic empire, has passed away on Wednesday due to deteriorating investments and the shift of the porn industry towards videos and the internet. He was 79 years old. The Guccione family released a statement saying that he passed away at the Plano Specialty Hospital in Plano, Texas. His wife, April Dawn Warren Guccione, said that he had been battling lung cancer for many years.

    Penthouse reached its peak in September 1984 when it published the nude photos of the first African American Miss America, Vanessa Williams. Williams is now a singer and actress who was forced to give up her crown after the issue was released. The issue sold nearly 6 million copies and reportedly earned $14 million.

    As a frustrated artist who had attended a Catholic seminary, Guccione founded Penthouse in England in 1965 to fund his art career and became the magazines first photographer. In 1969, during the height of the feminist movement and sexual revolution, he introduced the magazine to the American public. Penthouse challenged Hugh Hefners Playboy by offering a mix of tabloid news and provocative photos of nude women, known as Penthouse Pets.

    Gucciones media empire estimated that Penthouse earned $4 billion during his reign as publisher. He was listed on the Forbes 400 wealthiest people list with a net worth of approximately $400 million in 1982. Guccione established a corporate empire under General Media Inc., which included book publishing and merchandise departments, as well as Viva, a mens nude magazine aimed at female audiences. He also created Penthouse Forum, a pocket-sized magazine that began with successful edited letters, “Dear Penthouse, I never thought Id write to you…”

    Gucciones personal wealth was largely lost due to bad investments and risky ventures. Perhaps his most famous business failure was investing $17.5 million in the X-rated film “Caligula” in 1979. Malcolm McDowell starred as the debauched emperor, with supporting actors including Helen Mirren, John Gielgud, and Peter OToole. Distributors avoided the film due to its scenes of lesbianism and incest, but it eventually became Universal Medias best-selling DVD.

    Guccione also lost millions in a proposed Atlantic City casino. He never received a gambling license, and the construction of the casino stalled. Legal fees further

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